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54/ [Me: So much for Trump getting more succinct after the break. Nope. We knew that could never last]


Trump returns to the "disclaimer clause" and "worthless statement clause," in a lengthy monologue — again, an issue decided against him before trial and brought up apropos of nothing.

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39/ Klasfeld:

Asked whether he now believes Mar-a-Lago is worth $1.5 billion, Trump responds: "I think between a billion and a billion-five."🙄

Back to Rubin:

State attorney Kevin Wallace asks Trump about his involvement in the 2021 statement of financial condition. Trump says his focus at that time was on China and Russia and "keeping our country safe," 👉🏼drawing some laughs from the courtroom.👈🏼

Wallace reminds him he wasn't president in 2021. (Trump left office on Jan. 20, 2021.)

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28/Habba gets more aggressive. “The burden is on the AG to ask better questions.” Engoron: “We are not here to hear what he has to say. We are here to listen to him answer questions.”👈🏼

Habba pushes back, “Yes, you are here to listen to what he has to say.” 😳Engoron reiterates he is here to listen to Trump answer questions and then loses his temper, “SIT DOWN!” He instructs Wallace to continue, but not before Trump adds, “This is a very unfair trial.”🤦🏻‍♀️

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On Nov 06, 1947: Police Shoot and Kill Unarmed Black Military Veteran After Argument with White Bar Owner

18/ Klasfeld:

Trump caricatures the AG's case:

"Trump had no money. And he wrote up phony statements, and he defrauded banks," even though they were represented by the best lawyers.

Wallace: I move to strike that answer.

👉🏼👉🏼Judge: "Mr. Kise, can you control your client? This is not a political rally."👈🏼

Kise eventually tells him: "You're in control of the courtroom, not me."😳

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@DaWoDerPfeffer @Robert_R_Freitag_II @JoeQuinlan @lednabwm
The NT authors tell us that Herod was killing first born Jewish sons to preempt a Messiah from dethroning him, retelling the Ramses legend and Passover. Besides the fact that the Jews themselves do not remember this - and they do remember stuff like this - the Romans didn't either. Romans were real bean counters, and they would have kept records of both Herod's edict and how many Jews they killed, day by day. They don't exist.

Israeli military setting the fishing boats of palestinians in Gaza on fire.

Their war is not just with Hamas. They are trying to make #Gaza uninhabitable and cleansed from all Palestinians.

Video can be seen on my telegram channel:

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine

What is James Comer hiding? Why won’t he release his tax returns and bank records?

Trump is already talking about using the Insurrection Act on his first day in office, if he is reelected, to put down any civil protests. I can’t stress this enough. No matter what you think of Biden, his age, his policies, he is no dictator. He believes in democracy. We cannot let Trump anywhere near the White House again.

Rich kids are more likely to get into an Ivy League school than middle-class kids with the exact same test scores. Here's a big reason why.


Asked why he reinstalled himself as trustee before leaving the White House, Trump answered because he would go back to business.

all... unequivocally stating in his own voice and mind knowingly.... that .. HE LOST THE ELECTION....

paging Jack Smith....

One things I learned during 35 years in education: While “struggle” is a necessary component of learning, too much struggle leads to frustration which inhibits learning, and teachers cannot judge the difference as well as they think they can.

"Your anger against the truth is reprehensible," says former #DOJ Prosecutor and NJ Gov. #ChrisChristie. Maybe he's unaware that the #MAGA crowd doesn't even KNOW the truth. They live in a #FoxNews & #SocialMedia echo chamber, and all they see is disinformation to keep them uninformed and compliant.

#MarkZuckerberg knows that his algorithm maximizes ad revenue by whipping up outrage (whether based in truth or not), but he doesn't give a damn. He's too busy laughing all the way to the bank.

On this date, in 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president. At that time, he was representative of, at least part, of the Republican Party.

Were he alive today, he would be both outraged and astonished at what his party has become and the evil it constitutes in our society. O_o

‘Secret Room’ Where Michelangelo Hid Beneath Trap Door is Covered With His Drawings–And Now Opens to Public

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