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Trump has promised to use the US military against all Americans who didn't vote for him. Hopefully that's enough motivation to vote Biden/Harris. It should be.

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How unexpected that the places with the most lax gun laws seem to have more mass shootings.

And by "unexpected," I mean "Of course, you fucking bloodthirsty morons."

This keeps happening because America does not value human life.

Supporting Israel and supporting Palestinians are not at odds. In fact, I'd argue they're inexorably linked.

It means supporting the Palestinians in Gaza, who deserve dignity, self-actualization, and self-rule. It means supporting the folks in the West Bank and the Palestinians who are Israeli citizens (the folks we often call Arab Israelis) who were just as terrorized by Hamas on October 7th.

As Israel is shut down and on the brink of war, many of these people are unable to work and earn a living, and may even be subject to implicit or explicit bigotry, or at least distrust, simply because they look like other people who did awful things.

Compassion can and must exist through war. It means not ignoring the threat Israel is under or the loss of lives and security, while also believing in the rights of Arabs to live fulfilled, peaceful, and joyful lives as well.

#Israel #Palestinians

"The world is staring into an abyss, much as it did in the 1930s. Now, as then, the global rise of right-wing authoritarians like Vladimir Putin in Russia and Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel is linked to aggressive militarism that targets civilians and risks a world war...

Yet the news rarely reflects the reality, or this risk. Why is that?" – @willbunch

h/t @GottaLaff

One of the most galling things is how many right-wing extremists spent decades getting tax deductions for political contributions because their strategists and lobbyists and media were ‘churches.’

tell you what.

it’s not only why christofascist Michael Johnson doesn't have a checking account; this is why his wife needs to be investigated.

how much you wanna bet there’s photographs of her with a Birkin bag?

that Black son they allegedly adopted but is never in his official family portraits is the red flag for what some scholars have said evangelical churches get away with: human trafficking.

❝ Johnson And Son Used Same Porn Filter As Josh Duggar

@LianaBrooks @AlliFlowers @bmacDonald94 sorry, no. I’m not angry. I engaged because I am saddened by the people like you who have been fooled into thinking that the problem is a generational divide rather than the 1% manipulating the rest of us into directing our actions against each other. You have been had and you are serving the interests of those who would damage you.

let’s be clear this is his “son” who he never legally adopted and who has asked to be left out of his “fathers” public life …this has a very weird Matt Gaetz vibe that reads like some kind of sexual abuse cult is operating here in plain sight but no one has caught on yet.

I still think they’re missing the news. The news is not that House Republicans are trying to aid Israel. The news is that House Republicans have declared their first and most important priority: starving the IRS of the funds needed to collect money owed by billionaire tax cheats.

Almost uniquely among American journalists working at major outlets, @willbunch is calling his peers on their rank cowardice in the face of the emergency our nation faces.

We may well be one election away from a dictatorship, and Big Journalism's business-as-usual approach amounts to collaboration with enemies of democracy.

@LianaBrooks @AlliFlowers @bmacDonald94 The way to be listened to is not to demand that others shut up but to say something worth listening to that they have not already heard.

@AlliFlowers @LianaBrooks @bmacDonald94 My late mother in law (a fine poet) wore a button on her coat, for at least the last 40 years of her long life that said:


(and me too)

For everyone thinking of rejecting Biden for his policy on Gaza and the Middle East, might I remind you that Trump tried to pass a whole-ass MUSLIM BAN.

#USpol #politics #Biden #ForeignPolicy

Here's a question for chemists (esp food chemists): I was wondering why ground cinnamon in hot beverages forms a sludge/gel at the bottom of the cup. The best result Duck Duck Go had for me came from Stack Exchange - saying it was water-soluble cinnamon fiber. But that's Stack Exchange.

I tried two different searches to find papers on Google Scholar and didn't get close. What keywords should I have used to get good sources for an authoritative answer? #Food #Chemistry #Botany

@AlliFlowers @bmacDonald94 And thank you for that. I know there are good Boomers (and older!) out there.

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