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Tonight, we went hunting for Little Penguins, and successfully found and photographed some.

These little birds are adorable, but very cautious.

I used a pair of red light torches for illumination, shot at 200mm, ƒ/1.8, ISO 25,600.

#bird #LittlePenguin #AustralianWildlife #WildOz #tassie2023

Unbelievable. Eric testified today and basically just lost the entire case.

1) After testifying he “never heard” about the Trump org statement of financial condition until recently, he later admitted that he knew about it in 2013.

2) After saying he never worked on it, he was showed an email where employees were told he was working on it.

They lie so much, they can’t even keep track of their own bullshit.

Sounds like perjury is on today’s menu.

5 dozen individuals collectively boasting more than 100 million #socialmedia followers have been waging #propaganda campaign against #Israel since #Oct7. These #influencers effectively act as the mouthpiece for the #terrorist organization #Hamas. Furthermore, they frequently feature in #interviews and are quoted in #mainstream #media, causing their #lies to spread. #Twitter #musk #X #factchecking #truth #lies #disinformation #journalism #news


In case you missed it: there's a GFM to help the family, organized by Ady's widow's sister, Lucy King

The link was posted to twitter by Jamila Headly to the Be A Hero twitter account.


73/ Rubin:

“Certainly, I was aware of it,” but Eric maintains that testimony was true. “I really was not involved in the appraisal work; clearly, I made an introduction,” and was on a phone call.

👉🏼Kise is on his feet now, and Amer angrily asks that the witness be excused, so as not to influence his testimony.

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70/ Best way to begin a toot in this thread: "Eric admits..."


Eric admits he knew as of November 2015 that the “more supportable value” was $45 million, according to the appraiser, David McArdle of Cushman & Wakefield.

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Nancy #Pelosi became one of the highest-profile elected #Democrats to go public with her concerns about No Labels’ third-party presidential bid.

“No Labels is perilous to our democracy,” she said. “I hesitate to say No Labels because they do have labels. They’re called no taxes for the rich. No child tax credit for children. They’re called let’s undo the Affordable Care Act.”

Former NATO Secretary General calls for inviting Ukraine to join Alliance before war ends

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance, believes that it is time for NATO to send Ukraine an invitation to join, and this should happen at its next summit in Washington. #news #ukraine

I honestly have no idea if this was a hate crime.

I do know that anti-Asian hate crimes have become more frequent even since Trump started using anti-Asian rhetoric to distract everyone from his failed COVID-19 policies.

Asian-Americans who still vote Republican are rewarding the very people whose rhetoric resulted in this increase in anti-Asian violence.

The term "self-hating Andy Ngo motherfuckers" comes to mind.

On Nov 02, 1920: White Mob Lynches Dozens of Black People and Burns Down Black Homes Because They Attempted to Vote

Thank you to disability justice and health justice advocate Ady Barkan for fighting for all of us! May his memory be a blessing ❤️

Neil Gorsuch's mom: "EPA administrator Anne Gorsuch Burford announced to eight Reagan Administration officials she was holding back federal funds to clean up a toxic waste site near Los Angeles to avoid helping the Senate campaign of former California Governor Brown, a Democrat. When Congress charged the EPA had mishandled such toxic waste Superfund sites and demanded records, Gorsuch refused and became the first agency director in U.S. history to be cited for contempt of Congress."

“He’s out there saying that 11th graders can’t talk about their gay family members, but he can wear high heels? There seems to be some inconsistencies there," says @timodc on Ron DeSantis.

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