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Hamas leader shows why no cease-fire is possible

Top Hamas official Ghazi Hamad couldn’t be more clear: If the terror group isn’t... wiped out, it’ll repeat its horrific Oct. 7 savagery against innocent Israelis “again and again” — until the Jewish state is completely destroyed.

Hamad made the threat explicit last week Gazans suffer...Hamas’ gunmen shelter in tunnels, Hamas’ top leaders enjoy luxurious lives far from Gaza...

#News #WorldNews #War #Israel

31 Democrats voted to keep George Santos in office.

what are these people smoking.

Gaza-area mayor quits Likud on live TV, citing government failures

“'I announce my resignation from the Likud party, and I place the blame on the Israeli government. I call here on all my friends, members of the Likud Central Committee, to take a similar step, in view of this incredible failure,' Idan said, reading from his resignation letter, which he said he would send to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu."

#news #israel #gaza

George Santos keeping his seat in Congress is the biggest neon sign inviting any and all who wish to lie and grift to become tax paid liars and grifters at the leisure of other tax paid liars and grifters. We, the people, are being ignored.

He says he didn’t understand the papers he was signing, even though he is Executive Vice President of the company. Also, he says he is a real estate broker, so he should understand how valuations are done, and how wrong their properties valuations were.

Although in a way I can believe him, because I don’t think he has one actual useful skill.

Don Jr. Has a Conveniently Fuzzy Memory of Trump Org Finances: “I Leave It to My CPAs” |

If the House won't expel Santos, whom would they expel? No one, clearly.

Amazon is selling a "From the river to the sea" shirt:

When contacted by Newsweek, Amazon replied that this doesn't violate their policies:

Calls for the destruction of Israel and the elimination of all Jews isn't against their policy?

Email them here:

Stop the #antisemitism !

Somewhat surprisingly, no one in the GOP tried to table the resolution to expel Rep. Santos. So now there’s an hour of debate. Usually, there are two members who get half the time and each of the people they recognize speaks on the same side they do, e.g. the member for a resolution recognizes others in favor and vice versa. However, Santos, who is leading his own side, just recognized Rep. Goldman who’s speaking against Santos. Reporters say the chamber is mostly empty too.+

IT'S OFFICIAL: #Flint #Water Prosecution Ends, Politicians Who POISONED Flint Get Off Scott Free

After a decade, the Flint water investigation is officially ending with No charges being brought against a single person involved in the poisoning and killing of countless Flint residents.

2/ Van Grack, cont'd:

If Judge Cannon's analysis is accurate, then in terrorism or espionage cases DOJ would be required to provide classified info to terrorists and spies in order to prosecute them. That in essence would be graymail, which is what CIPA was intended to avoid.

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Here's Ghazi Hamad, the deputy foreign minister for #Hamas, making their objective clear. Spoiler: It is the annihilation of #israel

Wooden skyscrapers?

"The 20-story, $110 million Sara center in subarctic Sweden was built almost entirely of prefabricated wood products, delivered from the sawmill to the construction site the day they were needed, and put together by a few dozen technicians with high-speed screwdrivers, working their way through boxes containing 550,000 steel screws.

The engineered wood rivals the strength of steel and concrete."

I'd bet it's earthquake-resilient too.


@flexghost Nevermind Neo Nazis.... The actual historical Nazis were Christian.

"With God On Our Side" was emblazoned right there on the uniforms... Beside the skulls.....

My old friend Christopher Hitchens is still right....


1/...Via Joyce Vance:

In #documents case #Florida #Cannon ruled her existing order re discovery of classif material will remain in place. But Trump still benefits from delay, which he'll use to argue for...more delay.

Via Brandon Van Grack

Potentially very problematic. Wd appear to require DOJ to provide to defendant all classif info also provided to def's attys. That's at odds w/ how cases involving classif info handled under Classif Info Procedures Act (CIPA) #legal #TrumpIndictment

Gee, I wonder why we're seeing an increase in infant mortality after three years of a pandemic in a country that just enacted sharp crackdowns on abortion and has no nationalized healthcare service or basic, humane standards for maternity/paternity leave. A mystery. We may never know.


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