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@TonyStark My parents escaped Nazis as children... this isn't some page in a book to our family.

Per @jessicavalenti Idaho made its first so-called "abortion trafficking" arrest. The mother and son were charged with multiple felonies for driving his girlfriend to a clinic in Oregon.

#law #lawfedi #lawyer #abortion #AbortionRights

Just three years after he took the helm, disproportionality between Black and White students had fully snapped back to where it had been before the equity programs began.

He's done worse than nothing about racial inequity - he's presided over the adoption of Wit and Wisdom, an elementary literacy curriculum that conforms to Florida's racist instructional standards. No authors of color, no counter-stories. Just a lot of White nonsense.

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Jennifer Rubin: The closer you look, the more #Netanyahu resembles #tRump

"The controversy of the Israeli prime minister’s tweet reminds us how much Netanyahu resembles tRump. These are men who continually insist only they speak for the country, only they can shield it from harm. They dehumanize and demonize any opposition and cannot display a modicum of empathy. And when their own incompetence leads to avoidable deaths (e.g., a Hamas attack, a raging pandemic), they deflect and cast blame elsewhere. Impulsive, afraid of humiliation and tone-deaf, they never learn their lesson…"

#israel #authoritarianism

“I hear you sold your soul to the Devil.”
“He wouldn’t take it. He said I don’t have enough social media clout to be useful.”

The Treaty of Tripoli, signed by John Adams in 1797, states unequivocally the US was not founded on the Christian religion. The Senate ratified it unanimously.

@Free_Press Your headline needs work. This is not the first time they have hit Hamas near Jabalia. It’s the 4th. But this time they got the guy and they collapsed the tunnels which destroyed parts of the camp. Stop with the sensational headlines. Tell us the awful, terrible facts without the hyperbole.

@nedhamson There's a very simple way for the terrorists to prevent civilians, who Hamas & Islamic Jihad are taking shelter behind from being put in harm's way, injured or worse:

Hamas, Islamic Jihad & all other terrorist should immediately lay down their weapons, free the hostages & surrender to the Israeli Defense Forces!

#IsraelPalestine #Israel #Palestine #HamasMassacres #HamasTerrorism #Hamas #IslamicJihad #IransStooges #EndHamas # EndTerrorism #FreePalestineFromHamas #FreePalestineFromTerrorism

Jewish students are afraid to go to class at campuses all over the United States. I haven't read accounts specifically about events at universities in other countries, but we've seen antisemitic protests and rallies in cities from Russia to Australia, some which have turned violent.

"At Cooper Union last week, Taylor Roslyn Lent said she witnessed a pro-Palestinian protest morph into a 'pure anti-Jew' rally."

Fuck Tommy #Tuberville. He is an absolutely colossal, rotten piece of shit. And fuck every #Republican #Alabama voter who put this despicable, malicious pinhead into a job where he significantly damaged our #military, our personnel, and their familiies so he can push his white supremacist #theocracy and #misogyny. Go to hell, all of you. #DOD

It's so sad that "free Palestine" protests are mixed with the antisemitism of Jew hating #fascism. Hard to distinguish between the two in all the #screaming

Everyone needs to understand that #hamas has no future and cannot hide behind children anymore.

Republicans are lying when they say slashing IRS funds will lower the deficit. For each extra $1 the IRS spends auditing rich tax cheats, it can collect $12. Defunding the IRS will INCREASE the deficit.

They want to help their rich donors cheat, while the rest of us pay for it.

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