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In case it wasn’t clear what kind of person the new Speaker Mike Johnson is, here is an OpEd he wrote advising that states should “discriminate” against “homosexual conduct” and suggesting they pass laws around “sexual conduct outside marriage.” He is a Christo-Nationalist zealot. Of “The Handmaid’s Tale” variety.

Mike Johnson: I can assure you that my religious beliefs will not negatively impact my policy decisions. On an unrelated note, I am pushing to allow unrestricted hunting of bears, cats, dogs, bald eagles, and all other animals. Because as we all learned from Noah's Ark in the Bible, we really only need two of each.

#Hamas also has an entrance to its #terror tunnels from inside hospital wards,” he said. “From different places inside the hospital, you can enter underground tunnels.

“Right now, #terrorists move freely in #AlShifa hospital,” Hagari continued. “Hundreds [of terrorists] fled to the hospital to hide after the massacre on #Oct7.

“Hamas wages #war from hospitals,” he stressed, adding that this “not only endangers the lives of Israelis but exploits innocent Gazan #civilians as #HumanShields.”

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The #IDF also said that there is #fuel in Gaza #hospitals, sharing 2 recorded conversations by #Gazans on the subject & letting listeners know that “this information has been shared w/members of the #intelligence community. They have been given all of this & more & accepted it.”

#Hamas uses hospitals & mosques as #shields for their underground #terror network he said.

#Israel #AlShifa

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USPols Religion 

They are preaching in Christian evangelical churches that Biden is the devil.

A muslim lady today was like 'Yes but I don't like Kamala and Biden is too old' The other choices literally want to take away your right to practice.

This combination of things makes me anxious.

“In a clip that surfaced Tuesday, Johnson put the onus of Republican cuts to essential programs on unborn children, claiming that if American women were producing more bodies to churn the economy then Republicans wouldn’t have to cut essential social programs like Medicare and Medicaid.” #ForcedBirther #WeAreLivestock #SpeakerOfTheHouse

@AlliFlowers One thing! Apparently he wants paternity support payments for pregnant women. Amidst all the misogyny hidden in anti-abortion rhetoric, that actually supports women who want a child but are difficult financial situations.

US politics 

Just this: He's precisely the right man to be the face of the #Republican Party in Congress. We no longer have to pretend there are Republican moderates. This guy is undeniably #fascist and every Republican representative is on the record supporting him.

You can tell
that you are living
in the dark times
if when they ask you
if you have heard
the terrible news
you have to respond
by asking them
which terrible news
they mean.

How MAGA does it:
-Abortion: Ban it
-Marijuana: Ban it
-Drag shows: Ban it
-Immigration: Ban it
-Public Schools: Ban it
-Dialogue on racism: Ban it
-Books by Black or LGBTQ authors: Ban it

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“She never wanted to try 19 defendants. She wanted 18 guilty pleas and one trial against Donald Trump.”

Trump’s Defense Imperiled as 5 More Co-Defendants Seek Fulton County Plea Deals | Truthout

Has anyone else noticed paying attention, or not paying attention, to regional politics has become a life or death choice?

John’s wife said, “Alright, it’s either me or your sweet tooth.”

That decision was a piece of cake.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has said he has an adopted Black son, but Josh Marshall can’t find any photos of him.

“No African-American son shows up in any of the family photographs on Johnson’s House website or on his personal Facebook page. Nor does Michael figure anywhere in any of Johnson’s campaign biographies.”

“As I went further down this rabbit hole tonight I was a bit dumbfounded. Is Michael made up?”
#MikeJohnson #GOPWeirdos

Tlaib Denounces MTG Resolution Against Her as 'Deeply Islamophobic'
"I will not be bullied, I will not be dehumanized, and I will not be silenced."

Mike Johnson- Pro- Religious Persecution.

🔗 New House speaker Mike Johnson praised ‘18th-century values’ in speech

Louisiana congressman told audience at 2013 anti-abortion event Americans should live by 250-year-old religious and moral values

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