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@Alan Red State legislatures have anticipated mandatory insurance legislation and pre-emptively banned them. One in Florida was called something like the "Firearms Freedom Act." They are presenting mandatory liability insurance as "discrimination" against gun owners.

South Carolina public school parents and civil rights and educator organizations, represented by ELC, NEA, the SC NAACP and two SC law firms, sue to stop unconstitutional private school voucher program. via @pfpsorg #privatization

As a Navy veteran, Ron should understand the chain of command. Instead of meddling with military operations to score political points, Ron needs to stand down and let @potus do his job.

@ClintBarton Republicans have gerrymandered some state maps to the point that they are ordered now to redraw maps constantly because they violate the Voting Rights Act. There's a clear and present danger where many are being disenfranchised.

Like this in Georgia a couple of years ago. This needs corrected.

Redistricting squeezes 2 Democratic rising stars in Georgia -

Gongressman #JaredGolden represents #Lewiston , #Maine , and was one of the few Democrats who voted *against* an #AssaultRiflesBan. His name is 💩 now.

He has belatedly announced his intention to #BanAssaultWeapons . How many more ‘well-placed’ #MassShootings will it take to get #CommonSenseGunLaws in the bloody🩸 #USA ?


It is important to continue to get humanitarian aid – food, water, and medical supplies – to innocent people in Gaza.

That flow needs to increase, and we are working hard to make that happen.

Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. - Mary Oliver

The new speaker of the house thinks abortion should be illegal so that women produce more “able bodied workers.” Because that’s all women are good for, right?

The best way I know how to honor any community is by demanding meaningful legislative action on gun safety. Join me in telling your U.S. Representative and Senator to save lives by supporting a federal assault weapons ban.

Emmett Till's mother galvanized the civil rights movement by insisting on an open-casket funeral, so that the world would see with their own eyes what evil was wrought on her son.

AR-15s will never be banned in U.S. unless and until the families of mass murder victims insist on publication of the gruesome crime scene photos.

It will take great courage to make such a decision, and I thank God I'm not in a position to make one like that. But that's the ONLY thing that will work.

Honest Question: Can the judge's fines be spent on, say, wounded veterans or homeless immigrants? You know: Something that'd really piss off the defendant.

"If someone asks you to make your organization more inclusive, they're not asking you to go out of your way.

They're asking you to fulfill your responsibility."

#Ableism #WeAreBillionStrong #DisabilityInclusion #Equity #accessibility #AXSChat #SDGs

The suspect hasn't even been caught and we're already hearing about how his mental health is to blame. Not, you know, the fact that guns are easier to get than a driver's license.

#massshooting #lewiston #maine #guncontrol

There’s already been another #MassShooting today in #America

5 people shot dead on Garland Highway in #SampsonCounty, #NorthCarolina, sheriff says

A homicide investigation is underway in Sampson County after five people were found dead in a home, according to Sampson County Sheriff Jimmy Thornton.

According to this Progress Playbook article, Uruguay has been running on 100% renewables for four straight months now – cutting its production costs in half, creating 50,000 new jobs, and becoming a net exporter of electricity in the process.

Impressive! 🌎

#energy #renewables #environment

Please boost! Want to work in a state DOT leader in Safe System Approach, active & multimodal transportation, Complete Streets? Apply by Nov. 1 to join my team in the Active Transportation Division. You'll work with Celeste Gilman, named a Complete Streets Changemaker by National Complete Streets Coalition.

#WSDOTActive #transportation #TranspoJobs #CompleteStreets #planning #PlanningJobs #MobilityJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #RoadSafety #VisionZero #UrbanPlanning

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