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I like Mastodon the way it is. I like having conversations and debating with gays, straights, muli ethnic people. I hope the right wing never finds us. I love Cats of Mastodon, pictures of flowers and trees. I love that dogs of Mastodon is a thing. I love that everyone here believes in climate change and that education not guns is needed. You are my people.

Pres #Biden has earned praise in Israel and among both Dems and Repugs for his response to the massacre in Israel. In round-the-clock diplomacy, public speeches and calls with the families of people believed to have been kidnapped by Hamas, he demonstrates experienced and empathetic leadership.

It is time, once and for all, to bury the notion he lacks the stamina or sharpness needed; he has both in abundance.
He’s the #EnergizerBiden.

#BidenHarris2024 #GiftArticle

War in the ME is a lot like fights in the NFL. The guy who throws the first punch doesn’t matter. The one who gets fined is the 2nd guy who is defending himself.

11/ Klasfeld:

Another consequence of Sidney Powell and Ken Chesebro’s back-to-back guilty pleas, which seems quite significant.

Both were thinly veiled as uncharged co-conspirators in Trump’s federal election-interference case in DC

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These works by the Finnish artist Anni Laukka are amazing and, when you realise what they’re made of, even more gut-wrenching: these are all toys and nursery items collected from bombed Ukrainian homes. 1/2

(Wäinö Aaltonen museum, Turku)



Watching Trump and the entire GOP flush themselves down the shitter has beeen marvelous.

Hearing them cry about how the DEMs arent helping satisfying.

Watching them complain about the death threats and cars being keyed, poetic justice.

We have been waiting for so long for these days and I am certain we have hit the peak and are already sliding down the other side of the hill.

I am thoroughly enjoying their panic as they actively out their own selves as our enemies.


how bout you?

Non-MAGA House Republicans should just cut a deal with Dems, get 30 or so to vote with the GOP and elect a sane Speaker. Extract a promise to get rid of the idiotic single-vote removal rule. GOP can claim they convinced Dems to cross over to save face with voters.

Also give GOP House reps Secret Service protection, sic the FBI on any who threatens a Congressperson, cause the MAGA loons will come out of the woodwork.

It’s time to end America’s flirtation with authoritarianism.


Al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson Abu Obaida is quoted saying two American hostages, a mother and daughter, have been released as a humanitarian gesture.

President Biden, answering a question from pool reporters in the Cabinet Room, says the first trucks with aid should arrive in Gaza in 24 to 48 hours.

This has never been and never will be a struggle between Jews and Palestinians. Casting it in that light is unequivocally anti-semitic.

Our people are siblings-- long-enduring nations born in the same fertile valleys of the Levant. You can hear it in our languages, see it in our faces and our foods. No Palestinian is my enemy and that doesn't diminish my Jewishness or make me an enemy of my own people.

Happy Schadenfriday! Sidney Powell pleaded guilty in Georgia and has agreed to testify against her co-defendants, including Donald Trump. That is a yuge victory for prosecutors, and Trumpworld is likely very worried. I explain why in today’s piece.

McCarthy is giving Jim Jordan's third nomination speech, and just said, 'some of the members who have passed the most pieces of legislation are the most selfish,' which is hilarious.

Jordan has authored zero bills that passed the House in 8 terms on The Hill.

My mother-in-law who is immunocompromised was just told by HER DOCTOR to NOT get the New Covid Booster. He said he “knows someone” who had a stroke after getting it… FU@K!!! This is the world we live in today!!!🤦🏻 #CovidIsNotOver

4/ Hallerman:

Chesebro agrees to: 5 years probation, $5,000 restitution, 100 hours community service, write an apology letter to citizens of Georgia, testify truthfully, no communication with media, witnesses and co-defendants, recorded proffer with prosecutors, provide documents and evidence

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3/ Hallerman: Chesebro will be pleading guilty to Count 15 in the indictment: conspiracy to commit filing false documents.

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