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I hear you've been a naughty boy, Allen...

After perjury allegation, legal analyst warns Allen Weisselberg risks having his probation "revoked"

So. Boss just called to tell me that the libraries have had a FOIA request for any emails having to do with #BannedBooksWeek. I wasn't on the committee for it, but I did organize an event in conjunction with the public library for it. I suppose it could be someone looking to praise us for our efforts, but somehow I doubt it and I expect this to mean trouble. #BookBans #Florida

😂 Via MeidasTouch

The #Biden campaign's
Truth Social account surpasses the #Trump campaign's account in followers on the app in just two days.

@RickiTarr Also, in terms of disability, we should stop pretending that they don't exist. I like to watch a British gardening show called Gardeners World, and the visibility is off the charts: one of the presenters is a "thalidomide baby" without arms, who is charming and a very competent gardener. There is a family with two daughters with Down syndrome, and they are skilled gardeners and delightful people. Many times they've featured gardens of wheelchair-bound people. None of this in the US...

Please proceed.

Via Kyle Griffin:

Republican Steve Womack says he believes #JimJordan going to a third House Speaker vote will be the "final straw."

"I personally think that if we go to a third vote it's gonna get worse. It could get a lot worse."

Watching Jim Jordan fail repeatedly and spectacularly to become Speaker of the House is the kind of feel-good news story I think we all needed this week.

make collaborative office apps more like multiplayer videogames, you cowards, cont:

* i'm a fucking level 80+ google docs user don't put me in a fucking doc with someone who centers text with spaces or tabs, or can't type faster and 60wpm

* battle royale mode for google slides/keynote where every 5 minutes the meeting keeps going a slide gets deleted

* departments/groups are actually clans and you can properly set up eg 5x5 deathmatch meetings to set okrs

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Apparently, today is #PronounsDay.

I think the world could learn something from Finnish language here.

Finnish basically has two pronouns: hän (he/she/they/etc.) for people of all genders and se (it) for animals and other objects.

No sweat, though. Pets and other animals (up to insects) are called "hän" increasingly often as people realize animals are more like people than lifeless objects. Referring to your favorite plushie or computer as "hän" would sound a little quirky, but also cute.

Also, in informal situations/spoken language it is normal to call humans "se" (again: *any* people, including the president and your great-grandmother) . 😁

So even if you mess up these two pronouns, it's *way* more often than not totally fine and nobody's offended.

Needless to say, when one's first language is like this, in spite of all the good will in the world, keeping up with diversity of pronouns in English can be hard at times. Doing my best, in English it IS important...

Hi guys, it’s me, your local angry ER doc!

Iowa GOP Senate passed a bill allowing 14 year olds to work night shifts. I have worked countless night shifts. I’ve worked 24 and 36 hour call, and I’ve had to go to lectures or meetings after many of these. I can tell you with certainty that kids who work night shift aren’t learning at school the day after. Night work also increases risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, among other ill effects. Kids should never work nights. Ever.

Imagine being considered the third-best option after Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan.

All that goes through my head as I read about the dumpster fire that is the speaker of the house election is …

Thoughts and prayers
Thoughts and prayers
Thoughts and prayers

… as clown music plays in the background.

The U.S. will send $100 million in aid to civilians in #Gaza and the West Bank.

“If #Hamas diverts or steals the assistance, they will have demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people, ” #Biden said. “It will stop the international community from being able to provide this aid.”

Open letter to male GOP House members: If Jim Jordan threatens to wrestle you to the ground be aware that later he will offer to find a friendly doctor to give you a checkup. #houseGOP #SpeakerOfTheHouse #JimJordanVote

Unfortunately for all of us, Republicans really are the fucking embodiment of the old saying: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”


I'm hoping to see more than 20... need more defectors....

just had a vote for John Boehner... 😂

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