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A message on the politicization of the attacks in Israel, and on claims Israel would be better off with Trump in office:

- Trump gave classified Israeli intelligence to supporters of the terrorists attacking Israel.
- Trump will sell out *anyone* to the highest bidder. He did so with Israel already.
- Supporters of Israel are lucky that Biden, who has no history of selling Israel out to its enemies, is President.


Twitter / X is being flooded with clips from video games being passed off as footage from Gaza.

With the gutting of its trust and safety team, and payouts to accounts based on engagement, Twitter / X now rewarding trolls, clout-chasers and their clueless enablers -- with what looks like less oversight than ever from anyone inside the company.

Are we on the cusp of a breakthrough in #endometriosis?
#Japanese researchers found a common form of bacterium called fusobacterium – found in gum disease – was playing a role in the growth of endometriosis lesions and that it could potentially be treated with existing antibiotics. Not hormones, not surgery.

"I watch people, esp. women > 50 erased as beings of agency & sexuality. … I watch as people of all ages attempt to defy & deny the natural realities of aging, disability, & mortality. … & the weekly pandemic reports made sure to state what % of dead were already sick or old, so that no one that mattered would worry that they might be next.

I am increasingly curious about eldering, - as … an essential function in healthy cultures & communities."

- Martha @shrinkthinks

@AlliFlowers Yes! It’s such a helpless feeling, when people are sucked into violent conflict this way.

@AlliFlowers This is why the ghoulish celebrations and admonishments from some sectors are so disturbing to me. They have bought into the propaganda and narrative so hard that they consider this justified and the fault of the victims.

@AlliFlowers terrorists do not care, Hamas does not even care about Palestinians, they use even them as human shields. I hope your friends cousin will be found alive.

@AlliFlowers @CdaleCO @stevesilberman @edgeoforever But she's a certified expert at lying to all Americans. As she vastly proved throughout her questionable "career" as Trump's "press secretary".

#AmericaDeservesBetter #SarahSlanders #RuleOfLies #ConfederateZombies

I blame it all on evangelicals. That small parcel of land known both as Israel and Palestine does not belong to them.

They want all Jews to move there to make their fairy tale come true. They don’t care at all what happens after that goal, and they definitely don’t care about the Palestinians.

Get the evangelicals out of the Middle East!

Speaking on the situation in the Middle East, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov condemned the targeting of civilians and the abduction of children.

Irony is very much not dead. Irony is eating right and getting plenty of rest. Irony is running marathons...

#Russia #RussiaUkraineWar #Ukraine #Israel #Hamas

Upon hearing news that a friend’s cousin was at the concert in Israel and is now amongst the missing, I have this to say.

One of the things that struck me hardest reading news this morning was that Hamas took people from many countries, not just Israelis. They have set themselves up against the world.

Jim Jordan Tried to Help Trump Mount a Coup. Now He Gets To Be Speaker?

“Many Republicans endorsed Trump’s Big Lie about the election. But Jordan was one of only a handful of congressional Republicans who actively conspired with Trump to overturn the election results.”

#Politics #USPolitics #News #USNews #GOP #Republicans #JimJordan

There certainly seems to be more evidence for the latter view than the former!

Tooted by a #bot!
SN# 4005

I once again, forgot the (stupid) rules of the American male.

1. Never admit you are wrong.
2. If people challenge you, double down, and double down again.
3. If they still disagree with you, get personal ("Your mother was a hamster!")
4. The best defense is a good offense.
5. Listening to other people is for LOSERS!
6. Changing your mind is a sign of weakness.
7. It's always the other person's fault!
8. The world is against you if they don't agree! You are the victim!


As it turns out, it’s not really that hard to say the bare minimum of decent words. Who knew?

UAE calls Hamas attacks on Israel a 'serious and grave escalation'

Upon hearing news that a friend’s cousin was at the concert in Israel and is now amongst the missing, I have this to say.

One of the things that struck me hardest reading news this morning was that Hamas took people from many countries, not just Israelis. They have set themselves up against the world.

#Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Occupation #Israel #Palestine

Canada does not recognize permanent Israeli control over territories occupied in 1967 (the Golan Heights, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip).

As referred to in UN Security Council Resolutions 446 and 465, Israeli settlements in the occupied territories are a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The settlements also constitute a serious obstacle to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace.

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