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BTW in case you did not know this the corporate media really wants you to know that Pres Biden old. Wishing they would spend half that time covering Biden's amazing legislative and economic record. But that would require actually doing some work. Old is easy, policy is hard.

If you’re in the US and not following what’s happening in Atlanta, Georgia, it is very chilling.

Basic organizing and mutual aid is being called terrorism and bail fundraisers are being charged with racketeering.

And this is after police killed an Indigenous activist on site.

This is the next level of criminalizing protest. All because people have been trying to save a patch of forest slated for a massive militarized training facility for police.

#StopCopCity #tortuguita

Here’s what The Counteroffensive is reading today:

After reports broke earlier this week that #Russia was trying to recruit Cubans to fight in #Ukraine, #Cuba announced they arrested 17 men involved in the trafficking of these recruits.

On Sep 08, 2010: Alabama Prison Bans Prize-Winning Book, Slavery By Another Name

I absolutely love, without sarcasm, the four or five people i follow speaking no, BELTING out their personal truths repeatedly every night because they refused to be gaslit, made to feel less, made to feel Othered, and denied validation.

Its legitimately inspiring and fuckin uplifting.

I see you.

(2/2) Please note that this is the last edition of the COVID-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update. Moving forward, as WHO transitions its COVID-19 surveillance from an emergency response to long-term COVID-19 disease prevention, control and management, we will be providing updates every four-weeks, with the next edition set to be published on 28 September 2023.

#COVID19 #WHO @auscovid19

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In a massive and historic conservation success story, eighteen takahē birds have been released into the wilds of a nature reserve on Lake Wakatipu.

On Sep 07, 1963: Louisiana Parish Denies Service to All Military Personnel to Protest Integration

@AlliFlowers we focus on Texas and Florida at everyone's peril. this is a national crisis


Yes, this is exactly my point. It should be a normal criminal charge.
The GQP is, in fact, really abusing the justice system for a political witch hunt.

Right out of the Goebbels fascist playbook: accuse the other side of what you have done or are about to do.


Republicans continue to talk about seizing power through violence if they lose the next presidential election.

Huckabee isn't fringe. He was a state governor and a serious presidential candidate.

We need to take the threat of Republican extremism far more seriously.

#GOP #GOPExtremism

US to cancel Alaska oil, gas leases issued under Trump

"Interior also said it would protect 13 million acres in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, a 23 million-acre area on the state's North Slope that is the largest undisturbed public land in the United States. The agency would prohibit new leasing on more than 10 million acres, or more than 40% of the reserve."


A judge has ruled that Kenneth Cheseboro may not sever his Georgia election interference case from Sidney Powell’s in a trial that begins October 23. The judge seems skeptical that all of the #Trump19 could be tried together at that time.

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