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STFU, Team Trump. We're sick of this crap.

Via Kyle Cheney: 1/...

JUST IN: #Trump team complains that prosecutors filed a motion under seal without consulting them.

Prosecutors respond that they did consult on the filing, just not on the decision to file it under seal, a process laid out by the court. #legal #TrumpIndictment



A Georgia judge schedules a hearing to consider requests by pro-Trump lawyers Ken Chesebro and Sidney Powell to try their cases separately.

It will take place tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1 p.m. ET.

Via @Brandi_Buchman:

Kelly consults a statute and declines to enhancement for obstruction of justice charge; He notes offense level 36; crim history category 6, puts Tarrio at guideline sentencing range of 324 mos-405 months, or 27 YEARS to 33 years.
Govt asked for 33. #ProudBoys #legal #Jan6

Max fine is 250K & Tarrio's fine will fall somewhere b/w $40-250k.

Not heard sentence yet, please note. We have just heard range. There is a bit more to get thru before we get to actual sentencing.


Yes, Still trying to fix my voice

The voice I speak with frequently causes me severe distress, because (and I don't know a good way to articulate this) it's it's someone else's voice. It's like constantly having someone talk over me

Voice training/ trying to fix and adjust it makes me hyper aware of it, which cascades into emotional discord. So progress is rough at best 😔

A lot. Because it sounds so shit I get misgendered frequently on phones, and in person it's 50/50 even though it's pretty fucking clear I'm not a guy.

I have zero expectations anymore.

Via Scott MacFarlane:

Judge Tim Kelly is now talking about the "terrorism" enhancement in #Tarrio's sentencing guidelines.

Judge has included the terrorism factor in prior #ProudBoys cases, but he's varied downward *significantly* from the terror-enhanced sentencing guidelines in those cases

👉 Defense: "My client is no terrorist. My client is a misguided patriot"👈 🤦‍♀️ #legal

7 months after the #shooting, investigators interviewed the #NYPD officers who shot their weapons.

But investigators did NOT challenge those #officers when their accounts differed from what was captured on video, according to recordings obtained by ProPublica.

#Police #FriendlyFire #TheBronx #NYC #News #BodyCam #Cops #CivilRights #CriminalJustice

the thing that's so nice about elon's twitter is how friendly the place is

Predictably, Elon is escalating from his attack on the ADL league to Color of Charge, Center for Countering Digital Hate, GLAAD, MoveOn, CAP and Media Matters.

Pretty much anyone who's against hate is his enemy.

I started growing strawberries in pots on my deck 5 years ago. When the weather got below 40 degrees at night, I put the pots in my garage for the winter. I didn’t water them. I put pine needles on top of them. They went into hibernation. In the spring when temps got above 40, I put them back on my deck and watered them. Those pots produced strawberries for 5 years! This year looks like the end of the road for that batch. I’ll be starting over in the spring. 🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓

It's good the President is wearing a mask indoors and around others. But he should also be telling everyone else that it’s important to wear a high quality mask right now, because #COVID is not over and still causing death and chronic illness.

Simple calculation. If you pack solar panels on the giant flat roofs of shopping malls (and maybe add them as shade covers on the giant parking places AND add some big storage batteries, you can offer FREE charging for all EVs, cover most of the power usage of the complete shopping mall and on good days even sell electricity to the grid. Same for airports. What's not to like? cc @isotopp


"Within 48 hours of the FBI visit to Twitter, [Twitter] acknowledged they had "found" the leak to the FBI - proving they knew. The next day, the spy fled the US!

6 months later, Jack [Dorsey] met with MBS to discuss how they could work together to "train & qualify" Saudi groups on Twitter to do the very same work the two spy employees had done. And just 8 months prior to that meeting, KSA doubled its investment in Twitter"

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