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@AlliFlowers Brought to you by the same people that complain if SNAP benefit recipients buy a bag of chips with the money. Disgusting.

People who gleefully boast about bullying: just don't.

"Time to bully them into doing this thing we want."
"Bullying works."
"Yay, we bullied this person into not doing the thing."

Those of us who were bullied for a lot of our lives can hear you.
We don't think you're the good guys.

Years ago, I thought I loved the idea of autonomous vehicles. I hate having to drive everywhere, and I was glad that my daughters (who will likely never be able to drive) would have an option to get around. But after watching all the shenanigans unfold, and after going out of the country, I realized that we don't need AVs. We just need more public transit options. I don't want self-driving cars to clog up the roads. I want a train or a bus or a protected bike lane.

Good. Anyhow, if you are #LGBTQ you should be if you can be attending university almost anywhere but #Floriduh and Texas.

>Campus Pride Dumps Florida and Texas Universities from Best of Best List

#HigherEd #academia #bigotry

Seriously #BarelySatire
#ThisIsAmerica #BadEconomy

>New Community Health Program Teaches Low-Income Americans To Ignore Symptoms

FTA: "The first thing we tell people is to never, ever go to the emergency room. Something as simple as sudden, unexplained headaches could be a serious sign of medical bankruptcy..."

If you think that Jews follow religious dietary laws "just to be difficult", you might be an antisemite!

Gendered violence 

Some of the time this would happen in clubs, the woman was interested in me. But a lot of the time, she was looking for help brushing off an aggressive pest dude.

I'm genuinely disappointed in the number of men proudly announcing that they wouldn't help a woman that they saw get hit with a brick.

And men announcing that they would help their own woman, but wouldn't help a stranger, is bad too. These dudes still don't like women. They just like their possessions. 🤷🏿‍♂️

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A word about #ADL: As with most organizations, I don’t agree with every position they take. But when Musk accuses the most organized voice against #antisemitism in the U.S. of costing him ad revenue, he is leaning on a most #antisemitic dog whistle (that Jews control the media) and he most definitely knows it. 1/2

“I've always tried to present a positive view of the world in my work. It's so much easier to be negative & cynical & predict doom for the world than it is to try & figure out how to make things better. We have an obligation to do the latter."

- Jim Henson

This makes me so angry. It’s unconscionable to let anyone go hungry. Followers of Christ, my ass. Please tax me and feed people.

Washington Post: Poor families could see cuts to food aid as Congress battles over budget

Gift link:

Can you imagine the incessant press coverage, from all journalism outlets, were a Democratic Senator holding the U.S. military hostage to his own religious beliefs? Here’s an op-ed from three Secretaries of the Armed Forces explaining how #Tuberville is risking U.S. security. Gift access #ReproductiveRights #AbortionRights

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