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Musk, antisemitism 

'oh no, the Jews are telling people that I let nazis back on the platform, therefore they are responsible for the loss of value of the platform I let nazis back on.'

Nothing says you are not an anti-semite like suing the ADL for pointing out there’s rampant anti-semitism on your website and you’re doing nothing about it

Definitely a friend of the Jewish people. 🙄

The "glass cliff" phenomenon refers to a situation where women (or members of other underrepresented groups) are more likely to be placed in leadership roles during times of crisis or downturn, when the chance of failure is highest.

If the leader succeeds, the success is often seen as expected or is downplayed, but if the leader fails, it can reinforce biases and stereotypes about the suitability of women or minorities in leadership positions.

Healthcare workers don’t decide whether to wear gloves or sterilize equipment based on how many people are hospitalized. They just do it because it protects patients, and every patient has the right to get healthcare without becoming more sick. It should be the same with masks.

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@AlliFlowers It is the old asshole strategy. Do assholish things and then whine about being persecuted by the evil Wokies when they smite you for your assholery.

They declined her offer of coffee. Reich's father Ed invited them to sit down. They refused. They then informed Reich's parents that South Salem was "a Christian community," and informed the Reichs, a Jewish family, that they were not welcome. Ed Reich thanked them for their visit and then told them to get the hell out of his house. That visit made him all the more determined to keep his family in South Salem and stand up to this prejudice and attempt to bully.

#LaborDay #antisemitism #bully

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Three better words: expropriate the rich.

Confiscate ALL their stolen wealth, and return it to the workers they stole it from.

On Sep 04, 1875: Massacre by White Mob in Clinton, Mississippi, Leaves Dozens of Black People Dead

Great to see more Democrats embrace this: Rep Adam Schiff on MSNBC today stated that in his view Trump is disqualified from the ballot by the 14th Amendment

@barney Yes, and though the references to Margaret Atwood's Handmaid's Tale are often said to be overdone, how can one not look at what's happening right now in places like Alabama and Texas and not think that the misogynistic theocratic dystopia she describes is not at all far from what we're seeing unfold with our own eyes in the US right now.

@AlliFlowers It’s a commitment that demands everything we have at the expense of all else. Still, to play Brahms or Mozart or Beethoven—I’d have given everything else up for that.

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