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Here are the Michigan felony charges against the 16 fake electors who let the Trumpsters use them to try stealing the 2020 election.

The traitor who was leaking classified documents to try to impress a group of dorks online is asking to be released before his trial, citing the treatment of Trump and Nauta. Thing is, his attorneys are making a good case, just not the one they think they are. Trump has been treated with kid gloves over this whole documents case. Other similarly high profile cases were treated much more harshly — Reality Winner is a great example. Trump should be in pre-trial detention.

Here's the deal.

Running for office is easy when you take corporate money. The average donation is a cool $5000 & you don't have to care what voters think—because you don't need them to fund your campaign

Running for office is hard when you're 100% people funded—like we are. The average donation is ~$25 & we care what voters think—because we serve people, not corporations

But that's how we build a nation truly committed to justice.

So come on—help us win the hard way:

" #Trump’s 2024 campaign is once again spitting on campaign finance laws, this time by hiring a strategist who was convicted of crimes related to a political bribery scheme—and who Trump later pardoned."

If #God talks to you, do you ever disagree with anything he says? No? Hmmm, I wonder why…

an #atheist vs #faith

Borrowing this.
Marked safe from getting a target letter.

Today in 1994, 29 years ago: The bombing of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (Argentine Jewish Community Center) in Buenos Aires kills 85 people (mostly Jewish) and injures 300.


Hitler did not operate the gas chambers himself. But he was responsible.

Bin Laden did not fly the planes himself. But he was responsible.

Trump did not storm the Capitol himself. But he was responsible.

Justice matters.

"...Very fine people on both sides..."

#Charlottesville tiki torcher who just did some time on his 2017 conduct has now been charged with storming the U.S. Capitol on #Trump's behalf. #Jan6 #legal

I’m convinced we relegate “arts and crafts” and manipulatives to lower grades & don’t give older students a chance to interact with these activities enough just to seem “advanced”

that notion that in k12 “advanced math” looks like taking notes not glue & paper & art.

If you feel like you “don’t have time” think about what will have more of a lasting impact. What will they remember in 10 years? You doing the proof from the book? or trying to make an ellipse by slicing a cone made of clay?

3/3 NEW: yesterday, the DoJ said they were looking into the humanitarian crisis at the #Texas border. Less than 24 hours later they issued a letter to Abbot threatening LEGAL ACTION. Doesn’t get much faster than that.

📢 Hey Texas, you have the power to stop Abbott.

Stop him from deploying razor wire & medieval drowning devices designed to ensnare & mutilate. Stop every illegal thing he’s doing on the #border that ends up killing human beings.

#DoJCrimDiv #DoJ #DoJcivil
#potus please stop the #fascist #republicans from killing in #Texas

Show thread “On July 18, 1946, a white mob shot a 37-year-old Black veteran named Maceo Snipes at his home in Butler, Georgia. A day earlier, Mr. Snipes had exercised his constitutional right to vote in the Georgia Democratic Primary, becoming the only Black man to vote in the election in Taylor County. For this he was targeted and lynched.”

Every 5 days, a person murders his family. 94% of the time, the killer is a man. 86% of the time, he uses a gun. 84% of the time, his victim is a woman., by @jillfilipovic
Israel Struggling to Recover Ancient Artifacts Trump Took to Mar-a-Lago: Report
Israel lent several antiquities to the White House in 2019, including ancient clay lamps for a White House Hanukkah event. Unfortunately, Donald Trump was president at the time, which means the artifacts are now at Mar-a-Lago, and Israel can’t figure out how to get them back #GrifterTrump #TrumpCrimeFamily #CrookedTrump

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