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AirPlay in Hotels could be the biggest feature for me. #WWDC

I really don't see Apple moving back to fully in-person #WWDC. They have too much fun now with these canned videos.

Apple: You must come back to the office in order to be productive.

Also Apple: Improved video conferencing so that you can work remotely!

I love family passwords! My mother and my kids will appreciate this.

Presenter Overlay makes me angry at non-Apple designers.

How is this technology not being used already? It's exactly how you parallax movies/videos/etc.

Very impressive release in the right direction. This is going to go far with establishing more macOS WFH/remote workers.


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Looks like everyone is yawning over gaming. My feed has paused.

So Craig is saying I can get my Mac to look just like my iPad?

Lawyers got the bad news. Roll out the indictment. Hide the ketchup.

PDF support. Yes!!!! I get tired of going back to my Mac just for a PDF.

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