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@otownKim @Brynawel so 400,000 North Carolina ballots were delayed due to a computer glitch. They are only now loading those states. It is impossible to call NC with this big block of votes missing


friends this is white supremacy fighting tooth and nail.

@GottaLaff This is disgusting.
Ohioans have been voting for fair redistricting for years, but gop has fought citizens at every step along the way. This issue would have created a fair redistricting commission. Gop killed it again to preserve gerrymandering.

More: New York voters passed an equal rights amendment that enshrines protections for abortion and LGBTQ rights in the State Constitution.

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@1ts0nly4stro There used to be a way to do it from email by using the full phone number followed by @ and the carrier. That may still be an option. @adelinej

We should have made DC and Puerto Rico into states, and the former Confederacy into a permanently occupied territory without voting rights.

New York has passed an amendment to protect access to abortion.

Maryland voters approved Question 1 to establish the "right to reproductive freedom" in the state constitution

Today, Russia acted as the stochastic terrorist arm of the Republican party.

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