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Before I had my daughter, I became pregnant as a teen. The fetus got stuck in my ovary, where it started to grow. Untreated my ovary would have been destroyed and I would have died, bleeding to death.

Abortion is an often heartbreaking journey for a terrified woman. But it is also often a necessary medical procedure for women who have a miscarriage, survive rape, or are children themselves.

Abortion is healthcare and a human right, according to International human rights law.


Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi: "We aren’t predicting — we’re listening to voters — and they are clear: Kamala Harris will be President and Hakeem Jeffries will be Speaker!" #VoteEarlyForDemocrats copy: @KamalaHarrisWin

Everyone always said the young voters were going to save us, turns out it might be the old ladies.


Outrageous 🚨
Ohio county sheriff’s lieutenant tells residents if they vote for Democrats “I will not help you”

Clark County Sheriff’s Office Lieutenant John Rodgers reportedly made several posts on Facebook saying he would consider residents’ voting preference when responding to emergency calls, and would not be offering assistance to anyone who voted for Democrats.

Final Average of NATIONAL polling of 11 credible pollsters of the Presidential race, say:

KAMALA HARRIS gets 50.1%
DONALD TRUMP gets 46.2%

The final lead for Kamala Harris in this average is 3.9%

NOTE typically these polls have still 2% undecided voters (to be distributed)

The Republican party's Garbage Man has paid to flood the past 15 weeks with garbage polls. Michael Cohen testified under oath, that is what they do. Trump admitted a week ago that he pays half a million dollars per poll for the fake pollsters

And the media fed you those, quite knowingly false polls We don’t have early voting here. Some rain might keep the republicans home. @littlemiao

I'm starting to wish Apple would add an "I've already voted so stop bugging me" setting to iOS.

If you elect people who don't understand basic science and who are too goddamn dumb and bullheaded to listen to those who actually do, then you end up with a nation of dimwitted dinosaurs watching the meteor streak across the sky.


Via Katie Phang:

Just #Trump casually approving the violent deaths of members of the media…while his supporters laugh.

Trump: "To get me, somebody would have to shoot through the fake news and I don't mind that so much. I don't mind that."

I’m voting to protect bodily autonomy for women and girls.

I’m voting to protect me and my family from looney medical conspiracy theories.

I’m voting in defense of schools and the books, history, and science taught in those schools.

I’m voting in defense of science and ensure my family are protected from tornadoes, hurricanes and wildfires.

I’m voting in defense of unions.

I’m voting to raise the minimum wage to a living wage.

I’m voting so I can keep voting.

I’m voting for democracy.

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