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Hurricane Helene by the numbers:

Aid actually provided by Biden/Harris administration:
7,000 workers
14,900,000 meals
13,900,000 liters of water
$137,000,000 of aid for people and state/local govts

Aid that would've been provided per Trump's Project 2025:

It’s sad it takes folx to become targets BEFORE they acknowledge the danger that the most vulnerable among us have screaming about

It took finding out that someone they cared about was NOT a priority to say “no more”


Representative Anna Paulina Luna is suddenly demanding federal aid she voted to block.

@barney Just one more nail in the GOP coffin. Race is an artificial construct, and to suggest making laws restricting marriage between adult humans is racism at its worse.

@timkmak So it’s ok when they do it, but not when it’s done to them. Got it.

My daughter has left St. Pete and is back in NY. Seemed like a good time to visit the home office. My nephew, OTOH, has evacuated Tampa for…St. Augustine.

Analysis released Monday by the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget says tfg could add from $7.5 trillion to $15.2 trillion onto the national debt increasing the debt by 27 to 54%. The debt under Harris would also increase but at a rate of one fifth of the higher estimate of tfg’s increase.

#economy #tfg #trump #election2024

Israel, bigotry 

Reminder: If you believe in the elimination of Israel, especially by violent means, you have zero moral high ground. And if you extend that murderous energy to all Israelis, or even all Jewish people, you have no morals at all, and should have no place in discussions of peaceful resolutions.

Two Republican congressmen and one Republican state candidate made antisemitic posts over Rosh Hashanah. Nothing but silence on the @adl twitter feed.

@realjuddlegum Did Trump do it? Then it was a scam. No lengthy flowchart needed.


Once again, every single case of intentional voting fraud is done by Republicans. 🤔 A large media outlet should release an expose listing them all.

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