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"Will Trump call for healing – or rub salt in wounds – in wake of rally shooting?"

What I want to know, is this a serious question, the kind a journalist should ask, or just some BS clickbait shill?
#Journalism #Politics #Assassination #Trump #MAGA #QAnon

So let's get this straight Clarence Thomas went to Russia, in secret, with Harlan Crow. The trip included helicopter ride to a palace in St. Petersburg. This is the first known yacht trip. Let's examine implications

First, a rich American with a #SCOTUS justice doesn't just show up unannounced, fly a helicopter into St. Petersburg. That shxt requires advanced notice and clearance AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL, so at minimum Putin and the Kremlin spy and kompromat operatives knew about this.

The Kremlin would also know that Thomas failed to disclose the trip on mandatory reports - so they knew in 2003 that Thomas could be bribed & was willing to lie to the US government. They knew in 2003 they had leverage over a SCOTUS justice.

I also find it impossible that US intelligence services did not also know about this in real time. George Bush & George waterboard Tenet CIA DIR must have known Thomas was in Russia on a bribe/junket. They kept his secret, too. Russia knew it had leverage there, too.

Trump caused the death of an audience member. Just like Babbitt.

Another observation: every single person being interviewed in mass media right now is either a rabid Trump supporter wearing their red hats or RNC officials/pr hacks. This means that the conclusions being drawn right now are being drawn by them, without push back or question.

THAT is what guns do, #Trump. They shoot people.

Just in case you didn’t know.
Cos you act like you didn’t know. 😳

@meidastouch Not like it’s the first time, and until we can vote his ass out, it probably won’t be the last time. @otownKim


“Gang, boom. This is me. I hear bing.” Trump, March, 2024

“I know all about the marbles. I can tell you every marble. How they could have done it years ago without the tractors.” Donald Trump, marble genius, February 2024

I’m here at the #Georgia 🇺🇸 State Capitol where the Republican members of the State #Elections Board are holding an illegal and unannounced meeting to consider who knows what. The meeting is illegal because it is not being held without the appointed #Democratic board member.

We don’t know what’s on the agenda because the agenda was not posted either.

#Democrats have shown up to bear witness to these shenanigans. (Lots of election deniers are here too 🤬)

I’ll be live posting whatever ensues next! 🎥


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