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This line from NPR tells it all: “French voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly.”

#France #politics

from today's thing:

"if you haven’t heard about Project 2025, read on — and be prepared to be terrified.

Project 2025 is the Heritage Foundation’s 900-page blueprint for turning the United States into a Christian Nationalist dictatorship with Donny Convict permanently installed as King Fuckface the First.

it’s Mein Kampf meets The Handmaid’s Tale meets 1984, all rolled up into one big christofascist wet dream — and make no mistake: every fucking Republican is totally on board with it."

"Mainstream media have treated President Biden with prejudice and arrogance. …

The Biden administration is being held to standards, while the previous Trump administration is not; and Biden personally is being held to standards, while Trump as a person is not. This helps to generate a fascist aura."

~ Timothy Snyder

#Biden #Trump #media #fascism

Josh Marshall shares that the news from the French elections is "shockingly good" for those of us who have been alarmed at the precipitous rise of the hard right in Europe.

Many commentators expected Marine Le Pen's party to get a plurality of seats, but in fact it's coming in third not only behind the consolidated parties of the left forming the new United Front, but also behind Macron’s centrist party.

#France #LePen #election

@_L1vY_ @joaopinheiro @clive
England and France have definitely shown the billionaires and fascism lovers that the people have a voice and it's not for them. It's our turn next.

Just had another post removed. And AGAIN, it was a post quoting Trump. I appealed it, of course, and like always, I'll never hear a single word in response.

Funny how Zuckerberg and @mosseri think Trump's own words are a violation of their rules regarding hate speech and/or bullying and harassment, but somehow Trump being PRESIDENT is okay.

Looks like the left coalition held together and #France dodged a fascist bullet. Some rare good news, although the trend remains troubling.


@KrissyKat Have you ever visited any of the “specialty” McDonalds in the Orlando area? Amazing! @robbienorlyn

@soc_i_ety @ecksearoh @dangillmor
Even better answer:

The time to replace Biden as candidate was in the primaries.

It went on for months. Everyone knew he was old and slow. 14 Million voted. Biden consistently got 80-90% of the primary votes.

There's no real pushback from the Dem electorate. In more than a week, there are no "stand down" rallies or meaningful public pushback from Dem politicians.

This is a media creation to sell papers and scare off "independent" voters.

Listening to Lights On with Jessica Denson (Trump NDA Killer Denson Delivers FATAL MESSAGE to Trump):

Former Trump aide Jessica Denson calls on Donald J. Trump to drop out of the race, setting straight the narrative in a week of unhinged media gaslighting on President Biden’s fitness for office, when the Supreme Court’s upending of nearly 250 years of freedom from a felon should be the story of the century. #LightsOn #MeidasTouch

The 2024 elections promise a wide assortment of rightwing radicals. Teacher Justin Parmenter points to one of the worst, running for head of North Carolina schools– Michele Morrow. #EducationMatters

@dogzilla @georgebaily @shoq There's zero time for half measures. The ship needs to be turned around now. This is your message: An elder statesman leading a young dynamic administration that's brought you full employment against a dangerous convicted Felon that wrecked the economy.
That's the spin. There's no room or time for navel gazing. Democracy is at stake.

More Russian stuff blowing up. More than 1,100 Russian soldiers lost. Also, Putin, aided and abetted by his enabler Orban of #Hungary, is talking about a "final solution" to #Ukraine. Says Ukraine must surrender before talks can begin.

Pro Tip: there’s nothing wrong with self care. I would rather have a POTUS with the sense to take a nap, then some septuagenarian freak snorting Adderall, sexual assaulting, and rage tweeting at 2AM.

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