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@cdarwin Any religious organization receiving tax money in any form should lose their tax-exempt status. Same for preaching politics.

@CardboardRobot @RickiTarr @AlliFlowers
But you can try to overthrow the government if you're a white male, and run for presidency.
Tell me again how the USA is not a racist and sexist country.

@CardboardRobot @RickiTarr @AlliFlowers Well, there is a GOP supporting non-citizen who voted in every election since he was 18. He is now 60. Assume he only voted in presidential election, that 10 times. If the voted in the mid-terms, that is 20 times. So, he needs to get 100 years.

This week, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s new book comes out,
and it contains a disturbing chapter about Donald Trump’s ignorance, explosive rage, and megalomania during the coronavirus pandemic.

We think this should be covered as a loud, clanging alarm bell about the dangers of a second Trump term.

So we talked to New York Timescolumnist Paul Krugman, who has written a series of recent columns on voter amnesia about Trump’s 2020 performance,
about the horrors unleashed on the country by his unfitness for the presidency
—and why recent events suggest he’s gotten much, much worse

So it’s ok to automatically register them for the draft, but not to vote?

What’s wrong with this picture?

@RickiTarr Depends on the state. TFG can vote cause he was convicted in NY, but votes in FL. Had he been convicted in FL, he wouldn’t be able to vote.

@kolev Thank you for asking that. Google doesn’t always provide helpful answers. @TruthSandwich @RememberUsAlways

If I was on the hiring team and an interviewee sang Queen to this question, I'd say no need for more questions, you're hired!

#joke #comic

A victory for Donald Trump in November’s presidential election could lead to an additional 💥4bn tonnes of US emissions by 2030 💥compared with Joe Biden’s plans, Carbon Brief analysis reveals.

This extra 4bn tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (GtCO2e) by 2030 would cause 💥global climate damages worth more than $900bn, 💥based on the latest US government valuations.

For context, 4GtCO2e is
👉equivalent to the combined annual emissions of the EU and Japan, 
👉or the combined annual total of the world’s 140 lowest-emitting countries.
Put another way, the extra 4GtCO2e from a second Trump term
👉would negate – twice over – all of the savings from deploying wind, solar and other clean technologies around the world over the past five years

"An #Israel Air Force (IAF) aircraft eliminated #Hezbollah terrorist Muhammad Mustafa Ayoub in the Selaa area in southern #Lebanon, the military said on Monday evening. The IDF noted that Ayub was an important operative in the Rocket and Missile Department of Hezbollah's Nasser Unit

#News #Iran

“They have laundered what is effectively a band of #rapists and #murderers and thugs into resistors,” he told Sky News host Sharri Markson.
“They call people who relentlessly dox and harass and intimidate Jewish Australians as peace activists.
“Disinformation is being spread at levels we have not seen before.”


"Wouldn’t you love to see the thank-you notes Cannon sent to Leonard Leo and his pals? I would. But until NPR called up Judge Cannon and asked her about her journeys out to the Montana luxury resort, nobody knew a thing about who had tried to curry favor with her. That was when she hurriedly filled out the forms..."

Nailed, fair and square.

Does anybody believe Cannon is not discussing this case with wild ex parte, listening to suggestions?

Call me crazy but I don't.

👍🏻 #Biden to waive penalties for undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens

President Biden will announce plans to clear the way for hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens to apply for legal residency #immigration

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