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Was this meant to be amusing? It’s not. It’s disrespectful. It isn’t any funnier than the thugs who knock the headcoverings off the Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn.

So @GottaLaff just coined #DefendantSleepyFlopSweatMcBrainSpurs for #TFG and I think we all have a civic duty to make that hashtag trend. I humbly ask you to boost this message and use that hashtag as often as possible.

@KathyLK I think there are lots of answers to that question. One big answer is that, early on, men seem to have grabbed power in many of the world's religious traditions and to have then created religious teachings that justify their dominance by pointing to "God."

Finding good advice in the #Bible is like finding a piece of your favorite candy inside a shit sandwich.

Be very careful to wash off all traces of the shit before eating the candy.

#atheism #faith #god

2/ Via Katie Phang:

Here’s a tip:

As lawyers, we don’t take out lines of credit to pay ourselves our own “legal fees”, and then have a client reimburse us for our own “legal fees” as the client at the same time criminally falsifies business records to hide that they were not, in fact, “legal fees.”

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Man, the oil industry is really working hard to use their police and governments to crush any dissent

I’d be willing to accept a sentence for Trump of having to spend 8 hours each day being read mean tweets about him on public television for the rest of his life. He can go and do whatever he wants. But 8 hours a day until he dies he has to be berated publicly.

OMG am choking, am dying, am MOOING like a virtual cow. Oh My Actual Gosh, Devin Nunes, I can't believe


[oh oh?}

T Dawg is ded. He deaded me. Am ded. D. E. D. Ded

From the desk of the Honorable Sir Buttdial di Rudipanz

Giuliani sending subpoena to Trump for missing legal fees worth about $2 million

Normally Trump could try to hide the evidence. Now there is an adult in charge, Barbara Jones will monitor what shenanigans Trumpo tries to get into this time...

Cooley's Kathleen Hartnett explains that a brief she filed in Trump v. U.S. on behalf of retired military officials argues that Trump's presidential immunity claims, if successful, "would ... possibly increase the risk of people not disobeying an unlawful order."

Strong Dem Running against Marjorie‼️

Shawn Harris, a cattleman in NW, GA who served in military 40 years and retired as a U.S. Army brigadier general,

is running for the congressional seat now held by far-right U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).

#mtg #GA. #voteblue2savedemocracy Meanwhile they were violating her 1A rights, and making the show miserable for paying customers.

🥳The US House has passed $95 billion in aid to #Ukraine, #Israel and #Taiwan, ending a political impasse. The Senate is expected to pass the package, which was negotiated with the White House, next week -Bloomberg

"Former Mississippi Gov. Ray Mabus (D-MS) said his state’s declaration of April as Confederate Heritage Month celebrates “something that was truly awful: people trying to own other people.”"

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