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@thepoliticalcat There are multiple populations that are prone to UTIs and would greatly benefit from this.

It pisses me off to no end that the GOP held House won't bring a Ukraine aid package to a vote. It's fucking infuriating.

The Ukrainian people deserve so much more than this. They are brave as fuck, and the spineless GOP is gonna be the cause of their demise because they lick the balls of Vladimir. It's disgusting.


My Administration is proposing we cancel the debts of 2 million borrowers who are eligible for debt forgiveness through the SAVE Plan, Public Service Loan Forgiveness, or other debt cancelation programs but haven't enrolled yet.

You deserve relief.


The far left doesn't care about Palestinians as people, just as convenient props against Jews.

Similarly, Hamas doesn't care about the Palestinians it claims to represent as people, just as convenient martyrs against Israel.

While Speaker Mike Johnson thinks the threat from Russia is all fun and games, in Europe we now see Germany deploying 5,000 troops to Lithuania in its first permanent deployment since 1945.

Understand that for eight decades, Germany had zero intentions of becoming a dominant military power, but Putin gives Europeans no choice.

This is how real it is outside the MAGA bubble.

"Not voting at all, voting 'uncommitted,' or voting 3rd party (RFK, Jr.) gives the election to Trump, who not only wants Gaza eliminated or Ukraine turned over to Russia, but would also end all of the rights we have now that the Republicans haven’t already tried to eliminate.

We must VOTE BLUE all up and down the ballot in every state. Period."

~ Pamela Hilliard Owens

#Trump #Gaza #Ukraine #ThirdParty #RFKJr #voting


Steve Bannon hosts eclipse prayer service to stop 'satanic forces that come through'


CDC tells health officials to prepare for human cases of H5N1 bird flu.

Local health leaders were told by agency officials that they should have 'up-to-date operational plans' should H5N1 spread to humans.

CDC officials emphasized that the risk to the general public remains low.

Here's a picture of an "eclipse" from space in case you are interested.

When you hear them say
(and you will hear them say)
that avian influenza
only poses a risk
to farm workers
do not reply by telling them
“for now”
no, instead remind them
(and remind yourself)
that farm workers are people too.

“A fundraising event hosted by a charitable org and linked to #Trump may have broken the law if it explicitly benefited his campaign, as an IRS rule bars charities from endorsing candidates for elections.

Border911, a Trump-backed charitable org led by Tom Homan, his former Immig & Customs Enforcement chief, hosted a gala on April 4 that Trump attended. Other attendees included Vivek Ramaswamy & Matt Whitaker”

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