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My 6YO continued:

6YO: So can they marry a boy or a girl?
ME: Anyone can marry a boy, a girl, or a non-binary person, or whatever. As long as they are an adult, and they aren't already married to someone else.
6YO: So I could marry a girl or a boy?
ME: Yep.
6YO: That's cool.

Yes this conversation happened today, and my two older kids learned about the gender spectrum and marriage equality in a similar way when they were that age.

It's only a big deal if YOU make it a big deal. Love and freedom to be who you are is really easy to understand when you're a kid, and no one has piled baggage on you.

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“With nearly as many hospitalizations in January 2024 as in January 2023, it’s clear that #COVID19 is not growing milder and it’s not fading away. The real question, then, is not whether COVID is still a pandemic, but how much COVID illness and death are we willing to accept?”



"My grandfathers served in uniform overseas during WW2 and I knew both of them and I learned my values from them."

"My values: When my own turn came to fight fascism, I wasn't asked to risk my life in a foreign land. All I had to do was get off my couch one afternoon and vote. But I didn't. I took a shit on my grandfathers' graves. I threw away a democracy that a million people died to save. Because I really just don't care."

@Infoseepage @jeff

Let me put $91.5M bond from Trump re into context

This is what one million dollars looks like in 100 dollar bills. If you fill the briefcase, it would hold $2.4 million

Last year E Jean Carroll was awarded 2 such briefcases plus change

Today she got instead 40 such briefacases of money!


What I'd really like to know is what Trump put up for collateral to cover it.

8/?? "The institutions of the German government gradually became "Nazified," ...principally fealty to the Nazi leader. [Also in the US] there is movement toward unifying institutions around loyalty to an ethnic identity. ...This threatens the democratic nature of these institutions as well as their competence to carry out their institutional missions. Our democratic culture is on life support."

Think about it this way: there were several high profile cases after marriage equality was passed of county clerks refusing to issue marriage certificates to LGBTQ couples. Now laws have been passed in red states allowing them to refuse. Even letting private businesses to reject LGBTQ customers.

But what about all the quiet, under the table racism you don't hear about? When social workers, judges, bldg permit officials, child welfare caseworkers & doctors act with bias toward people of color, or non-christians, or lgbtq folks?

Non-whites & non-christians are sabotaged every day. Every. Single. Day.

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An amendment enshrining abortion rights was officially sealed into the French constitution Friday, during a public ceremony on International Women's Day. France is the first nation to guarantee the right to an abortion in its national charter. #voanews

LOL they staged #GOP Trump fundie Katie #Britt in her kitchen which says all you need to know about how Republicans, including the women, see women.

Do you think if a Republican man had given the rebuttal he'd have been in his kitchen? #sexism


Lasting ceasefire is easy: Hamas just needs to surrender. After all, every ceasefire has been broken by Hamas.

Law-abiding adults can now carry guns openly in South Carolina after governor approves new law

So, if you are NOT a law abiding adult, this does not apply to you.

... Wait, what??? ...

"“If you're going to pull out a pistol in public and point it at someone because you are pissed off that they took your parking space. we're not allowing that," the Republican from Spartanburg said."

Oh, okay. Because you are not allowing that, we can all sleep well, knowing it will never happen.


#guns #gunviolence #guncontrol

for the traitors who use the line "dems will be the end of the US we need psychoPumpkin" here, the FACTS
A Warmonger will never make a country safer, NEVER!

Things Republicans refused to clap for:

- tax cuts
- teachers
- infrastructure
- ending cancer
- border security
- fighting the Kremlin
- lead-free water for kids
- Social Security and Medicare


We don't need a conspiracy theory for this to be problematic. On the face of it, a Presidential candidate will owe $91.6M to someone—maybe Chubb, maybe a bank that gave him a line of credit to give Chubb, etc—if he loses the appeal, as he likely will. That's a lot of leverage on a President.

Breaking: #91Felonies rapist has posted a bond of nearly $92 million in E. Jean Carroll defamation case. The posted bond is exactly $91,630,000.00, which includes a district’s courts common practice of requiring a bond of 110% of the judgement.

Insurance company Chubb underwrote the $91.63 million bond for Donald Trump, which the former president signed on Tuesday, March 5.
Under the terms of the bond, Chubb will only secure the appeal of the $83.3 million judgment, not any future appeals.

#91Felonies Rapist got someone to give him almost exactly that amount. America has no idea who that is or who he is now beholden to, and that is unacceptable as a counterintelligence matter.

The whole world wants to know where the money to purchase the bond came from.

And U.S. intelligence *needs* to know.

A billionaire shouldn’t need an agency to post his $90M bond. That should be chump change to a billionaire. Where’s Mr. I’m so rich when it comes to paying his bills?

#rape #defamation #crime #insurrection #natsec

Katie Britt gave the GQP response to the SOTU from her kitchen cuz that's where the GQP thinks women belong.


Vouchers Are For Dodging Regulations - Most recent voucher laws or law expansions very specifically forbid oversight or accountability. It's a racket. #vouchers

I’m happy to hammer Republicans. You?

Via Ruth Ben-Ghiat:

Dems, time to hammer Republicans for being upset that Americans have jobs and the economy is strong

Aaron Rupar:

"All of this stuff is by design" -- Bartiromo and company think the strong jobs reports are a conspiracy to keep Biden in office #DarkBrandon #Bidenomics I like that. It’s just so easy to do the gulf coast states: Floriduh, Alabackwards, Mississloppy, and Lousyanna.

I’ll leave you with this final thought before going to sleep. I call it for many reasons. Our senators are two of them.

Sen Katie Britt said family starts in kitchen … obviously that didn’t happen in laruen boebert’s kitchen. Her kid in jail for stealing cars. Family Values indeed.

Hhmm she is in the kitchen too.. that’s not the ideal spot to place modern #woman. But that’s the republicans for you!! #gop #SOTU2024 #SOTU #Biden #trump

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