Born in 1917, Egyptian physicist Sameera Moussa studied radioactive isotopes used to create medical images. Her work “laid the groundwork for a revolution in the affordability & safety of nuclear medicine.”
Concerned about the potential use of nuclear weapons during WWII, Moussa organized the Atomic Energy for Peace conference.
She was likely assassinated at age 35 in a case that remains unsolved. #science #history
@GW We must stop the hate.
@thepoliticalcat @Rasta lol I’m a Christian and I have never been able to find anything even remotely Christian about Christmas. It was a ploy to adopt somebody else’s celebration to get people into the church to fill the coffers. I’m a fan of Christ… Christianity ehh not so much.
Burlington, VT police investigating a shooting that sent three Palestinian men to the hospital with gunshot wounds Saturday evening.
"The three young male victims, each of whom is 20 years old, remain under medical care," police said in a statement released Sunday afternoon. "Two are stable, while one has sustained much more serious injuries."
two of the men were wearing keffiyehs, a scarf worn in many Middle Eastern cultures.
BC News (CBC): First Nation in B.C. votes to take over child and family services authority for its members #CBC #BCNews via @morganeogerbc #News/Canada/BritishColumbia
Someone should tell our pepper plants it's almost December 😲
#hotpeppers #peppers #gardening #Alabama
@seattletimes Would they trade a paycheck for tuition payments? @Beachbum
#pepper fact! The color of a pepper isn't inherently indicative of heat; while it can be used to see ripeness (which can affect heat), not all peppers turn red when ripe, and not all ripe peppers are spicier than unripe ones.
@stevesilberman They already do. @barney
Happily, Ella and Dafna were reunited with their mother tonight after spending more than 50 days as captives of Hamas in Gaza.
Don't get killed on the job in Indiana. Your life is worth only $7K if your employer kills you. For Amazon, that's about a nanosecond of profit on any given day.
@crooksandliars So what is a Christmas tree?
What do conservatives want?
For more Black mamas to die from childbirth. Apparently.
Racist groups are suing to end the pioneering guaranteed income project, the Abundant Birth Project, for pregnant Black and Pacific Islanders (who experience the *worst* maternal mortality rates). They say it 'illegally discriminates.'
These people make my ass itch.
#Racists #RhymesWithTrackers
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi
@timo21 All stadiums should be covered.
Ph.D. in Instructional Design. Career educator. Cancer Survivor. Collector of Interesting People. Tech lover. Big blue dot in south Alabama. Air Force Brat. Former ALSDF officer. Please do an “about” if you want a follow.
Do not PM me to say hello.
Current background picture are sunflowers.
Foreground: Image Playground created image of me.