#Trump bitterly complained about the fact that charges won’t be against Joe Biden over handling of classified documents.
"Wow! Fake news CNN, through a leak from the Department of InJustice, has just reported that no charges will be filed in the much bigger than mine Crooked Joe Biden case having to do with documents." #Trump
The first punishment for #Trump should be that he must attend grammar school for 7 years.
Multiple reports state mediators in the negotiations between Israel and Hamas hope to extend the ceasefire in Gaza by 4 days in exchange for the release of an additional 40 to 50 hostages.
#AureFreePress #News #Israel #gaza #Hamas #BreakingNews #Breaking
@lowqualityfacts Sounds a lot like Spam.
I would like to have more conversations about #TimeTravel #SoftSciFi and fun stories. I would also like to follow the kind of people with whom such conversations might arise.
I'd appreciate a boost to help me find wonderful future conversation partners.
@WahFo According to Spider Robinson, if a burglar is someone who commits a burglary, and a felon is one who commits a felony, then god is an iron. @LibertyForward1
“The drug manufacturer Merck now lists Covid as the third most common cause of lymphocytopenia, right behind HIV infection. What's lymphocytopenia?
It's immunodeficiency.”
Colorado unemployment insurance rant from a blindness perspective
* In order to receive unemployment payments in Colorado, one must complete true ID verification.
* This is not made clear until you open the form.
* As a screen reader user, I wondered if there was anything missing to complete my claim
* I called my DV disability advocate, to ask for help. I was transparent. I'm blind, and I don't know if I'm missing anything on this page that could hold me back from payment. She said, I see nothing.
* I open up this form 12 days after it's due. It says, check a box that says you understand if we don't receive this form by 11/13, we'll withhold payment.
* ... ... ... Already, I want to scream. So, I ask for visual help taking the picture of my ID card.
* A sighted family member takes the ID card pictures. At which time, a system analyzes them. It says, your images aren't clear enough. GO in natural light.
* It's past 8 PM in November. There is no daylight outside. So, I have to wait till tomorrow to take these pictures because this government analyzer is picky.
* In summation, Christopher says I should write a guide for disabled unemployed people who are laid off. And you know what? I think I will. I could have possibly received payments earlier, had I known, these stinking pictures need to be in daylight.
* Hope everyone's having a good Saturday.
@willmckinley My childhood. @Seedling
Ph.D. in Instructional Design. Career educator. Cancer Survivor. Collector of Interesting People. Tech lover. Big blue dot in south Alabama. Air Force Brat. Former ALSDF officer. Please do an “about” if you want a follow.
Do not PM me to say hello.
Current background picture are sunflowers.
Foreground: Image Playground created image of me.