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21 1/2 years for me and one of my kids killed in action while wearing the uniform of the United States.

If you are still blaming Israel for #genocide while ignorant of Hamas now asking for peace, you are only compounding the pain for #Palestinians.

No one is going to #freepalestine now.

Not the UN
Not Iran
Not France
Not Jordan

Palestinians elected Hamas and now the circle is complete.


“I remember democracy,” he whispered to his grandchildren as they woke up for another day at the glorious agricultural work camp of the American people of freedom.

When I took office, the pandemic was raging and the economy was reeling.

From Day One, I was determined to not only deliver economic relief, but to grow the economy from the middle out and bottom up.

Over the last four years, that's exactly what we've done.

Do not normalize Trump's dangerously unqualified nominees. Normalizing charlatans kills people.

I like this. Hopefully, it lets one check the source and, if the source is unpalatable they don't get the clicks.


@axnxcamr @actuallyautistic

There's a real problem faced by "highly-capable" or "gifted" kids:

Things are easy for them, until they're not.

And when things get difficult, it's often because the kid coasted by on their IQ without developing the skills they'd need when things got more complex than they were able to brute-force with their brains.

I know this happened to me, and it's only as an adult that I learned more about why.

Autism is often co-morbid with executive function impairment and atypical sensory-processing.

Learning skills to help counter executive functioning issues and techniques to deal with over-stimulus when it comes to task completion can dramatically improve quality of life and burnout issues with tasks that suddenly seem to be too great to surmount.

Take this with some salt, I transitioned from psychology to computer science half-way through my college career.


#Autism #ExecutiveFunctioning #ActuallyAutistic #Burnout

Some people daydream of blood, sugar, sex or magic, but I fantasise about stripping the assets of corrupt politicians and their business cronies, and redistrubuting the wealth to those in need. I would redistribute that wealth so good. Imagine having all those who have profiteered from the people, having to live on Universal Credit. I will remind you that Rishi Sunak didn't even know how to pay for something using contactless. Didn't even understand how to pay for something. Let that sink in.

The point of an abortion ban is to punish women for daring to even think about having non-procreative sex. The people who die in terrible agony because of abortion bans are meant to be examples, to terrify others into compliance. This is the system working as intended.

“We condemn in the strongest terms the murder of Rabbi Zvi Kogan in the UAE and our prayers are with his family, the Chabad-Lubavitch community, the broader Jewish community, and all who are mourning his loss.” - Statement by White House NSC Spokesperson Sean Savett

A 13-Year-Old With #Autism Got Arrested After His Backpack Sparked Fear. Only His Stuffed Bunny Was Inside.

#Disability rights advocates said #kids like Ty should not be getting arrested under Tennessee’s #school threats law. And they tried to push for a broader exception for kids with other kinds of disabilities. It didn’t work.

#News #Tennessee #DisabilityRights #Education #Students #Police #Law

If you want to help keep the GOP in power for the rest of your life there's probably no better way to do that than to attack Democrats.

Trump's transition team is sidestepping federal funding rules, allowing them to raise unlimited "dark money" without disclosing donors, alarming ethics experts. By avoiding standard disclosures, the team raises concerns about foreign and undisclosed influence on his incoming administration. Critics warn of transparency issues and potential corruption.

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