For the denialism of suffering in my homeland, I'm sure the organizers wouldn't care. Racism has relegated us to irrelevance.
But I would have thought a prominent Muslim org would show more sensitivity for Syrians, a Muslim majority people.
It seems Palestinian solidarity gives everyone a pass, no matter how foul your transgressions are.
If hating Israel is all that is required with no humanitarian based ethical standards necessary...why not award David Duke? I'm pretty sure he qualifies.
Future generations are not going to care which of us voted for or against Trump, just like most modern people don't care which Germans in the 1930s voted for or against the Nazis.
What will matter to future generations is what we do or don't do to try and stop the crimes against humanity before and while they happen.
#GOPHypocrisy in 1 post* said by the worst MOC:
Christo-Fascist GOP Hypocrite MAGA Mike Johnson
Once again proving this adage 100% true:
"No matter how far the bar of decency is lowered?
Republican still manage to slither right under it!"
Legendary game show host TV personality Chuck Woolery dead at 83
Posted into Birmingham, Alabama, News @birmingham-alabama-news-AlcomNews
@littlemiao Thank you!
Trump’s Cabinet picks are depleting the slim GOP House majority, leaving Speaker Mike Johnson scrambling. Key votes risk collapse as red-district vacancies linger due to slow special elections. With internal GOP divisions and looming spending battles, Trump’s decisions are pushing Republicans toward legislative chaos.
Every state needs to follow suit.
Manifestations contre les violences faites aux femmes à travers la France (mention du procès Mazan dans l’article)
« Ce procès à l’écho international, où démarre à partir de lundi le réquisitoire prévu pour durer trois jours, « montre que la culture du viol est ancrée dans la société, comme la violence envers les femmes », a souligné Amandine Cormier, de l’organisation Grève féministe, lors d’une conférence de presse mercredi à Paris. »
1. We don’t “argue” it. It’s a fact that there are no white people in the Bible
2. Yes white supremacists hijacked Christianity and enforced the claim that Jesus is white. This was codified in American state legislatures to also justify enslavement of Black people. How are you a lawyer and retired Intel officer and ignorant to this? White supremacy is blinding indeed.
@AlliFlowers @_L1vY_ @rlstone4dems and a lot of people pushing back hard.
@leeolds @_L1vY_ @rlstone4dems If there is a god….
This week the President Elect outlined his deceit fill attack on public education. #EducationMatters
@_L1vY_ @rlstone4dems Actually…. The savings on therapy alone could be worth the cost.
@_L1vY_ My mother wants to go, but it would cost her twice as much. @rlstone4dems
@_L1vY_ And in the grand scheme of things, that 4-year cruise isn’t that expensive. @rlstone4dems
Ph.D. in Instructional Design. Career educator. Cancer Survivor. Collector of Interesting People. Tech lover. Big blue dot in south Alabama. Air Force Brat. Former ALSDF officer. Please do an “about” if you want a follow.
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Current background picture are sunflowers.
Foreground: Image Playground created image of me.