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@TonyStark I’m going to wind up with shaken adult syndrome at this rate.

@garyackerman Technology is a tool used by teachers to build better students. Choose the right tool for the job.

Sometimes, things just seem right. Thank you, The Onion. Farewell, Alex Jones.

Elsevier retracts two papers over missing software licenses. Better no one tell Adobe, otherwise a large parts of current academic literature will disappear.

On the other hand, most of the folks fraudulently manipulating their images probably also run pirates Photoshop copies.

Also: if anyone else needed arguments why science needs to be based in free software, there it is.

@realjuddlegum So Jared is doing exactly what they accused Hunter Biden of doing. Got it.

You know the difference between Republicans and animals? Animals would never allow the dumbest and most cowardly to lead the pack.

There is a good to excellent chance that national elections in America (if permitted) may well resemble those in Russia by 2028. Trump is immune from criminal prosecution and impeachment, and he will own the presidency, the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court and U.S. military-- all tools he will use to cement his regime. How far would he go to make his dream a reality? January 6th on steroids.

RFK Jr. to be named the sexually transmitted disease prevention officer for his outstanding work in the field

#WompWomp until somehow Trump interferes with state cases

#SCOTUS on Tuesday dealt a setback to former White House chief of staff Mark #Meadows in his defense against 2020 election interference charges in #Georgia, turning away his attempt to transfer his case from state to federal court.

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