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For anyone in need, in the US, will discreetly provide FDA registered abortion pills to people in all 50 states.

You can also get them as an advance provision for future use.

Also think about getting Plan B now, before you need it. It has a shelf life of 4 years. Anyone can buy it. Save it for a friend who needs it later.

#Abortion #AbortionPills #PlanB

Yesterday, less than 24 hours after the election, a friend of mine in New Mexico got the equivalent of "papers, please." He was born there, is half Native American, and is a veteran. NM is a blue state. Don't think it won't happen; Trump hasn't even been inaugurated, and already his minions are targeting darker-skinned people in hopes of getting them deported.

I am sick to my stomach.

Houston: Voters Reject $4.4 Billion Bond Issue as Protest Against State Takeover - The ill-conceived unjust takeover of Houston schools now a big state of Texas problem. via @dianeravitch #EducationMatters

A North Korean Type 73 light machine gun used by Russian forces:

Despite its slight resemblence to the British "Bren" LMG, it's an obscure off-shoot of the Soviet PKM, designed and produced in North Korea.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO I’ve said all along that if Dems lost, we’d never have another election. @copter_chief

What Republicans Tell You It's About: The economy, stupid

What Republicans Are Actually About: Revenge, stupid


It's gonna be quite the contest. Trump with his sharpie vs. the deteriorating climate. The super hero vs. the laws of physics. Who will prevail??


Stop playing the blame game. There’s enough blame to go around. There is no one person or group responsible, and there is no one reason that caused it. Let’s move on.

@FallsMom @TheBreadmonkey I’ve found it just the reverse. Tons on Hoopla, and very limited library on Libby. I guess YMMV.

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