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If you're demanding a #ceasefire in #Gaza but not calling for #ReleaseGazaHostages & demanding #BringThemHome & #HamasSurrender then you are not working for peace. You are working for the enemies of democracy & decency, and the destruction of all you claim to hold dear.


#CeasefireGaza #ProPalestineProtests #UniversityProtests #StudentProtests #CollegeCampuses

Wondering if wealth inequality is out of control?

Well, Jeff Bezos made over $7.9 million an hour last year.

In just 13 minutes, he made the equivalent of what a typical person earns in a lifetime.

Don't tell me that the rich can't afford a wealth tax.

I saw a post a week or so ago in which the poster tried to imply some weird conspiracy or cabal, or who TF knows what because AIPAC - wait for it - donates to Jewish politicians. Holy Moses and JFC, who woulda thunk it!
The next thing you know, the National Action Network will be supporting people of color!

An aurora visible across much of the earth proves the sun is still pissed about being eclipsed.

@Janef Not to mention Hamas’ charter is built on genocide. If they don’t commit genocide, they have no reason to exist. @tinker @FrankFrank

@GreenFire ReGretably like many others Ms Thunberg doesn't seem to have ever known, what constitutes genocide, and that a young singer from Israel, only wanting to sing her song on stage is the wrong target for her antisemitic tirades.

"I paid off MY #student #loans myself! Why should these kids get theirs #forgiven?"

Dude. You had
$3,000 in student loans. Some of "these kids" graduated from college $70,000 in debt for the same degree you got, now they're earning half as much as you did for a comparable job and they have no expectation of any retirement benefits, and they've been paying on that loan for fifteen years and owe more on it now than they did when they started paying it. They are being ruthlessly exploited by student loan management companies whose entire business model is based upon gouging people who are struggling to pay off their student loans.

Would it fucking
KILL YOU to show a little compassion and understanding?

A portrait of an IRS that has been made helpless to collect taxes owed by the very rich, no matter how blatantly and shamelessly they cheat. Super reporting here by the NY Times and @ProPublica.

(Case study starring a grifter who has never earned an honest dollar in his life.)

Clarence Thomas thinks DC js a hideous place. Well bud, you can leave any time you want. Shit, we’ll crowdfund flights, lodging, and a retirement party.

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