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@JonBanquer No! Say it ain’t so! Hamas lied??? *SHOCK* @blueemu Numbers dead don’t make a genocide. @JonBanquer @blueemu

@Bam Or just follow your follows’ follows. Or something like that. @dukepaaron @judah

#Bove is trying to paint #KeithDavidson as a serial extorter, asking for money in various situations & being mindful not to cross the line into actual extortion.

Bove is digging up unsavory episodes from Davidson's past to cast him as shady — for example, Bove says, a fmr of client of his leaked information that the Hollywood star Lindsay Lohan was in rehab.

#Trump #criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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In his 2024 campaign, Trump is pitting native-born Americans against immigrants

Trump tells his crowds that immigrants are going to take their jobs and reduce their wages

New data, however, confirms that these claims are false

Immigrants are saving the US economy

I love the folks who announce in their bios that they don’t tolerate racism, and neglect to add that they only don’t tolerate racism from others.

@Jon_Kramer Way to go, Jon. I hope you eventually find your way out of your confusion and ignorance. You’re going on my mute list. Bye! @BlueDot @NewsBot

@Jon_Kramer Sorry you need the antiemetics.
Looking forward to you beginning your rants on closing down Vatican City, cause Catholics don’t need their own space. @BlueDot @NewsBot

Handing Over Frozen russian State Assets in the West to #Ukraine

Author, Illia Kabachynskyi

There is a way to hand over $209 billion of frozen russian assets to Ukraine. Experts speculate that it is somewhat risky legally and may harm the long-term financial interests of the Western world. But the US just did it. So, is that really the case?

#KeithDavidson was asked about texts w/ #MichaelCohen referencing the State of the Union address that #Trump was going to deliver - so this was happening as Trump was running the country.

Davidson testified about how handling both #StormyDaniels & #MichaelCohen made his life very complicated.

Prosecutor #Steinglass grilled Davidson on how Daniels's denials were not believable, important to counter arguments by defense.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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13/ McB:

Bove: And as you sit here to today, is it your belief that the statute of limitation on any extortion crimes has run?
When KD says he has no opinion, Bove asks, Youre an attorney and you havent thought about that prior to your testimony?

"You were concerned about linking those two issues: payment and elections," Bove asks, as he puts one hand out to represent payment, and another to represent elections.

Davidson seems a little defensive as he responds to Bove's relentless cross.

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1st day after that orange shitheel was elected, one of my son's middle school friends told him "My dad says now all you waterbacks will finally get sent back to Mexico.".

He didn't know a "waterback" was a "wetback".

Nice, huh?
His voters are racist, stupid, and bad people.

Breaking: Random House announces special college graduation gift version of Dr. Seuss classic, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go (Maybe Even Prison)!”

@Jon_Kramer So you believe that Jews are the only people (race) that do not deserve their own homeland/safe space? You’re veering further into antisemitism. @BlueDot @NewsBot

@Jon_Kramer To answer the original query of this thread - yes. It shows why Zionism and Judaism are equally important and intertwined. Zionism did not begin 2000 years after Judaism. @BlueDot @NewsBot

There are a lot of really important stories that are being ignored by everyone focusing so much attention on the student protesters, #JustSayin
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction

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