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@AlliFlowers @makkhorn I've been waiting with everyone for YEARS. He'll never get prison time. If he does, I'll eat my words. It's Long overdue for that POS Rapist!!

@otownKim I no longer care if he’s pissed. He has no shit left to lose. Fines don’t work for him. He needs the intimacy of a jail cell. @makkhorn

@BootsChantilly My daughter has a tattoo of the word “Smile” in my son’s handwriting. @fembot

18/ GO GO GO!!


Prosecutor II: There is a Truth Social post past 9 am this morning, quite possible sent while in this courthouse, with a photo of Michael Cohen calling him a serial perjurer, a shame for the NY courts.
Justice Merchan: List the 3 violations.
Prosecutor II: There's the post praising Michael Avenatti's post... And one of Stormy Daniel's previous statements denying the affair. And another one about a former prosecutors, and "MAGA 2024." He has violated the order.

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Just side note. One of items I keep forgetting is the doorman and out-of-wedlock Trump child (story). So this also is coming up in the trial, that the doorman's story was eliminated by same method as the Stormy and McDougal stories

@dukepaaron So’s he. 😂 He’s been in Brooklyn for years, but lately has felt very uncomfortable.

NEW: While arguing for the admission of tweets and social media posts evocative of Trump’s pressure campaign on witnesses, the DA’s office drops this: “Shortly, we will be seeking an order to show cause why Defendant should not be held in contempt” for violating the gag order.

Quick advice to Americans doing their taxes at the last minute (as I do).

If you can't or won't pay the full amount owed by the tax deadline, just pay something.

Pay anything. Pay $1, pay $10, pay $100, and you'll go into the bucket of "underpayment" (which is common and relatively minor) versus "nonpayment" (which is serious, and gives them permission to garnish your wages.)

Best advice I ever got from a tax preparer.

As Trump's first criminal trial starts this week, the possibility of giving him classified intelligence information looms as a national security crisis waiting to happen. Trump shouldn’t get access to intelligence briefings as the GOP nominee. Add your name if you agree:

@Powerfromspace1 @mastodonmigration @Strandjunker Trump/MAGA the goal is to tear down the Federal Govt as it exists replacing it with authority akin to Mother Russia where a pseudo-President, actual dictator holds power indefinitely by force, despite the will of the people. It’s well past time that the working class jerkoffs supporting this poison wake the hell up. 🤬

@1MADMOM I wonder if any chapters go for other goals? What are the CA goals?

@1MADMOM I’ve thought about it, but I would need better goals than “increase volunteers by 10%,” and “increase AA volunteers by 6%.” I won’t volunteer for something that has no more goals than that.

@1MADMOM She’s got to know there’s been no activity here. Especially if nothing’s being entered in VAN.

@1MADMOM I don’t know if she’s offered a reason to the state lead, but I haven’t heard from her since October.

@1MADMOM Not a clue. It has been a disappointing experience for me.

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