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IDF and Shin Bet security agency on Saturday announce that four senior Hamas terrorists were killed by Israeli troops at Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital in recent days.

Pay attention to how fascists (excuse me "conservatives and libertarians") use the word "elitist."

They clearly think that America is secretly run by actors and college professors rather than the billionaires they keep giving tax cuts to.

Donald Trump just posted an image of Joe Biden tied up in the back of a pickup as though he’d been kidnapped.

This has become a popular sticker for the backs of MAGA folks’ vehicles.

And in normal times, it would have resulted in a referral to the FBI — and the Secret Service.

Trump targets women when he counterattacks:

- Fani Willis
- Letitia James
- E. Jean Carroll
- Robbie Kaplan
- Judge Chutkan
- Judge Engoron’s law clerk
- Judge Merchan’s daughter

Misogyny is ALWAYS one of his weapons of choice.

And women will be the ones to take him down.

I'm noticing that the never-Trumper Republicans are making efforts towards Democrats to shift their policies to the right for them since so many of the far-leftists have started campaigning against Democrats.

It's like people have no comprehension that their actions have consequences.

What makes them blame Biden and Democrats instead of Netanyahu and the Likud Party if not Putin's political technology? I don't want to believe that they're this stupid naturally.

Anyone hiring for iOS? I'd love to be your guy. Please repost this to infinity and beyond!

“When judges are threatened, & particularly when their family is threatened, it’s something that’s wrong & should not happen,” US Dist Judge #ReggieWalton, told CNN in an interview Thurs. He added, “It is very troubling because I think it is an attack on the rule of law.”

#law #Trump #Criminal #MobTactics #MafiaState #violence #StochasticTerrorism #radicalization #MAGA #extremism #democracy

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#Republican-appointed judges raise alarm over #Trump attacks on #law

Federal DC Judge #ReggieWalton warned Trump’s attacks on #HushMoney trial judge & others could lead to #violence.

The Republican-appointed judge denounced Trump’s attacks against the judge presiding over his hush money trial in Manhattan & his daughter, calling them assaults on the #RuleOfLaw that could lead to violence & #tyranny.

#Criminal #MobTactics #MafiaState #democracy #GiftArticle

Just fyi, in Illinois, many of the teachers teaching dual credit courses for college courses are not remotely qualified to do so, their syllabi and content do match what the state says they’re supposed to have, and even though department chairs like myself are supposed to have approval rights to make sure the classes aren’t a joke, we can deny all we want and get overrruled anyway. So the students may be getting college credits, but they’re not getting college content. And nobody seems to care.

As if we needed yet another reason to #VOTEBLUE

Via RonFilipkowski:

Mike Johnson says if #Trump wins and Republicans expand their House majority and take the Senate, he has already spoken with Trump about making “big radical changes,”“aggressive changes” to the govt in first 100 days.

Dear companions,

April 22 is the night of the first Seder. The day before, April 22, is Earth Day. We are making available two possible Sedarim — one from a couple of years ago called Earth & Justice Freedom-Seder, wonderfully designed by Rabbi Nate DeGroot, an exciting text mostly by me, and a gorgeous cover illustration by Israeli artist Avi Katz.

Download the Earth & Justice Freedom-Seder at:

We will also send out another whole stripped-down Haggadah on which I have started work.

— Arthur

#Mazeldon #Jewniverse #JFedi #Passover #Pesach

Rethinking Mastectomies: Why Transmasculine Top Surgery May Be Healthier Than You Think
Emry Cohen, MD for Assigned Media

"A healthy body is not synonymous with a cisgender body, and having breasts is not a marker of increased healthiness. But, most importantly, we need to let people make choices for their bodies and mind our own business."

#Autonomy #MedMastodon #LGBTQIA

She had no idea she would soon be indicted on a charge of illegal voting. She later said that she would not have jeopardized her freedom by submitting a ballot & would have left the polling place if she’d known she wasn’t allowed to vote.
#Election workers checking provisional ballots — as is routine — later determined Mason was ineligible, so her ballot was never counted.

#law #ElectionLaw #GOP #VoterIntimidation #VoteSuppression #ElectionInterference #BlackVotesMatter #democracy #VoteBlue

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CHRIST ON A CROSS. MY GOD, the intro to this story alone makes me want to spew FIRE.

If you live in Florida and your child (or you) has Medicaid 🚨 🚨 🚨 — because apparently the state didn’t even bother to notify some, or all, of the parents of the 460,000 children. Plenty of adults will lose coverage on EASTER SUNDAY, too.

Just one of the kids, age 10: “Her son Rylan was born with complex health issues intensified by a traumatic brain injury as a toddler. He is immune deficient and relies on a wheelchair, feeding tube, special formula, regular doctor visits and around-the-clock care. His medical costs are so expensive that even a day without coverage could cost Maron hundreds or thousands of dollars.“

‘Some of Florida’s sickest kids are losing Medicaid coverage on Easter Sunday – Sun Sentinel’
“Advocates for the families scramble to tell parents how to appeal loss of coverage before it’s too late”

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