@cindyweinstein I've gotten into the habit of always responding to "Merry Christmas" with "Chag sameach."
@cindyweinstein I keep telling people that wishing everyone you meet a Merry Christmas is like telling everyone happy birthday when it's your birthday.
@AlliFlowers @cindyweinstein And this is why I prefer "happy holidays." It covers everything. Even though I don't celebrate a specific holiday, I like to be wished happy holidays because it's a seasonal thing.
@AlliFlowers @cindyweinstein I hope a lot of people aren’t going to see this here and start saying that IRL the way it looks like it would be pronounced in English. That would be sad.
@AlliFlowers @cindyweinstein It would sound like they were calling a Hobbit.
Your response makes me want to edit my original post. Thank you. I'm going to do that now.