I am sick of the comments condemning the US for not wanting a ceasefire. Of course, the US wants a ceasefire, but they know a ceasefire has to be between multiple parties. Hamas won’t agree.
@ClintonAnderson I think that’s what Israel is trying to do.
@AlliFlowers @ClintonAnderson Eh. They don’t care about mountains of dead civilians and if they make peace with Israel that’s their entire raison d’être out the window.
@MisuseCase Exactly! And that’s why the US is doing what it’s doing. @ClintonAnderson
@AlliFlowers Causes are ashes where children lay slain.
We have some influence on Israel, maybe at some point we can get Netanyahu to stand down, though recognize that he needs his far right coalition partners to stay with him or he'll lose the premiership.
But Hamas? Iran has influence which is less than zero help; maybe Qatar, but enough?
@AlliFlowers People are using “ceasefire” to mean essentially “Israel stops violating the Geneva Conventions” and of course the U.S. won’t use it because it means something very specific, as you said.
Also if the U.S. wants to have any influence on Israel at all, they cannot demand something like that or make ultimatums to Israel, which a lot of people want them to do. It may play well domestically if they do but it won’t help the Palestinians.
@MisuseCase The only thing that will help the Palestinians is to get rid of Hamas. That means the Palestinians have to help.
@AlliFlowers This thing that is happening right now is not encouraging the Palestinians to help. Quite the opposite actually.
Which is fine for Netanyahu and his fellow-travelers, they love having Hamas as a foil.
@MisuseCase Nobody wins. But seriously, when a prisoner gets away from Hamas, and the “good citizens of Gaza” return him to Hamas…they’re hurting themselves.
@AlliFlowers If I were a resident of Gaza right now I would not go anywhere near IDF troops with a prisoner or want to be seen around them because the IDF would probably shoot me on general principles, of course I would give them back to Hamas.
And even if not I wouldn’t get anything by returning them to Israel, I’d still get bombed.
@MisuseCase You’d have made a great collaborator during WWII.
@AlliFlowers I’m Jewish and my great-grandfather’s family was killed by the Nazis so find something more original.
@MisuseCase Then for heaven’s sake think about what you just said.
@AlliFlowers also “collaborator” why the hell would anyone do anything for the military force that is currently in the process of liquidating the ghetto they live in? And you’re acting like they’re irrational or perverse for not cooperating? Of *course* they’re not cooperating.
@MisuseCase Because they are happy with Hamas as their overlords.
It’s plausible that many Palestinians are being held hostage by Hamas, which would kill them for not wanting to become “shahids.”
@paninid Hamas will kill Palestinians. That’s an established fact. So why would a Palestinian ever want to help Hamas? @MisuseCase
Fear is a powerful emotion.
Collaborators collaborate from a place of weakness, lack of opportunity, and desperation of circumstances.
A typical management consultant heuristic is to ask “why” 5 times.
>> People are using “ceasefire” to mean essentially “Israel stops violating the #GenevaConventions”
THAT, right there, is the problem. It's not just "people" who think this
The #UN resolution also calls for a full, unilateral, unconditional #ceaseFire from #Israel without condemning #Hamas for its rocket attacks and sexual violence against civilians, while Hamas STILL holds hostages, and without asking anything in return from Hamas.
Why would anyone agree to this?
@AlliFlowers the US is aligned with Israel for better or worse. Their opinion is Israel’s opinion. Every civilized person should want a ceasefire, doesn’t mean either side will stop killing, but we should all want the killing to stop.
@Ransackeld We all do. (Except Hamas.)
@AlliFlowers It’s funny to see people who hate U.S imperialism (or just claim to, I don’t know) think the U.S can go impose their will on a sovereign country. America as the ruler of the world isn’t an accurate picture anymore, if it ever was.
We in the U.S. don't live in the Middle East and can't tell a sovereign country what to do. We can threaten, slap on sanctions and other actions but that's about the extent of it.
I can see from your replies, a few missed this.
@TonyStark @AlliFlowers By how fiercely a couple anti-U.S. accounts denounced this source of detailed maps and descriptions of daily attacks, I'd say it should probably be shared widely
@TonyStark It’s like all the rallies and petitions. Why bother petitioning the US government?
@cat_static EXACTLY!
@AlliFlowers A #Ceasefire that leaves #Hamas in power, armed, with hostages is untenable and just plain dumb.
@MessagingMatters Precisely. And Hamas won’t honor a ceasefire.