I am sick of the comments condemning the US for not wanting a ceasefire. Of course, the US wants a ceasefire, but they know a ceasefire has to be between multiple parties. Hamas won’t agree.

@AlliFlowers It’s funny to see people who hate U.S imperialism (or just claim to, I don’t know) think the U.S can go impose their will on a sovereign country. America as the ruler of the world isn’t an accurate picture anymore, if it ever was.

We in the U.S. don't live in the Middle East and can't tell a sovereign country what to do. We can threaten, slap on sanctions and other actions but that's about the extent of it.

I can see from your replies, a few missed this.


@TonyStark It’s like all the rallies and petitions. Why bother petitioning the US government?

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