@AlliFlowers at least never have your vote counted again.
Voting will resemble Saddam’s Iranian “democracy”.

@AlliFlowers Well said! You got Mastodon Award of the Day! 🏆


I am reluctantly voting for Biden in 2024.

If they dont make it easier to elect a progressive on 2028 I am done

I will not be a hostage forever

@rticks Like the pictures says…if we don’t vote for Biden in 24, we won’t have the opportunity to vote ever again.

@AlliFlowers Absolutely.

I would rather never vote again than be subjected to the last four years in perpetuity.

@rticks @AlliFlowers
Most eligible progressives are taken by Maga bull crap. These are the people who need progressive ideas to uplift them.

@Abs1nthe Help yourself. I actually stole it from somewhere else to start with. @TruthSandwich@toad.social

@AlliFlowers I would really rather vote for someone other than Biden, but for now he seems to be the best choice among available candidates.

@PaulAKachur @AlliFlowers Same. I'm not a fan of Biden by a long shot. But I'll do what I've got to do to get to still have any say in the matter next time. One bad candidate is not enough to justify sacrificing our entire democratic system over.

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