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People who say of Nazis “the way you deal with bad ideas is by defeating them in the marketplace of ideas” are offering assumptions that a) Nazi ideas have not already been defeated on the merits, and are still valid and worthy to consider; b) Nazis will promote their ideas in bloodless debate.

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yoused boosted

SF is arguing about whether tiny cabins for homeless folks should cost $113,000 or $40,000 or $81,000, meanwhile Oakland has deployed hundreds of Pallet Shelters for about $7,500 each.

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yoused boosted

Texas is banning Kate Cox from getting a life saving abortion—claiming her fetus has rights.

Simultaneously Texas is fighting a lawsuit by a prison guard who was 7 mo pregnant, had pains, was denied a break, & the fetus was stillborn—arguing a fetus has no rights.

It was Never about life. It was always about control of women.

Vote the GOP out.

I have learned that "Xcrete" replaces "tweet" for postings on the thingie formerly known as "Twitter", now known-ish as "X"

The three great lies:

1: the check is in the mail
2: I won't [sexual vulgarity redacted]
3: It's really about abortion

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#Poll 💈Please #boost & #comments are welcome!

Junior testified in the fraud case in NY. It went something like

"It wasn't me. I don't know anything about business. Smarter people told me where to sign my name. Are these your pants? Cause I'm not sure whose they are. I'm just a chimp in a borrowed suit. Where's my coke? How could someone loan me a suit without some coke in it?

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When your Dalek wants to dress up as something scarry for Halloween.

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yoused boosted

Take a minute to process this: the same people who want business owners to have the right to refuse to bake cakes for gay people want business owners to NOT be allowed to display gay pride flags in their own store fronts, so the argument that it was about the personal rights of small business owners is clearly bullshit, which we all knew.

GOP lawmakers take aim at LGBTQ+ ‘safe places’ program in small Florida town |

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You are all beautiful. Thank you for being around to keep me sane and enlighten me.

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On Aug 29, 1961: Bob Moses Brutally Beaten While Registering Black Voters in Mississippi

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The Capitalist Oligarchy

There is no horror, cruelty, sacrilege, perjury, no impersonation, no infamous transaction, no cynical robbery, no bold plunder, or shabby betrayal that has not been done or is not being done every day by the representatives of Capitalism under the excuse of “for our stockholders.”

#capitalism #oligarchy

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