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@lowqualityfacts I got food from a Taco Hell once. Not doing that again.

yoused boosted

You don't have to say "racially tinged" when you mean "racist".

Soft-peddaling, whitewashing and down-playing are forms of complicity and enablement.

yoused boosted

I am old now but I was once young.

I was not mentored on a whim by an electronic device connected to the Internet. I was mentored by living human beings who knew how to look for the knowledge I needed to know.

All of them have passed from this Earth, this place where love has yet to take hold.

Yet graciously and mysteriously, their admonitions remain to guide me.

#Gratitude #Joy At least one Seattle officer was fired for storming the capitol – law & order, man – and I am fairly certain that there was a non-small number of others from around the country.

yoused boosted
yoused boosted

North Carolina Alert! GOP Plans to Slip in $248 Million for Vouchers on Monday - It is robbery of public schools to transfer money to the wealthy. via @dianeravitch #Privatization

@lednaBM I do not believe in all the *other* “gods” that you reject, plus one more.

@GreenFire The barefoot commie turned water into wine way back when, and that was good because wine was a lot safer to drink than water.

yoused boosted

@GreenFire Well, drinking water couldn't be trusted as it was often contaminated. And alcohol is distilled, so it's safe to drink. But, given the deregulation crazed wannabe dictator in waiting, I guess that's where exactly where MAGAts would take us. Back to the Wild West.

yoused boosted

I want to be a big deal. I want to be more popular than the poop emoji.

@gleick I get so pissed off by "they said the world would end in X-number of years". No, you lying morons, that is absolutely NOT what they said. Stop with the BS, already.

@GottaLaff "We'll send it back to the states so that Ron Johnson can run it."

Moe Ron Johnson is a US Senator – how does that add up?

@LaNaehForaday @Huntn00 @Piousunyn "Artificial Intelligence" can add numbers. A lot of them. Really fast. Actual intelligence is much more complex. Beyond mere logic, there are critter aspects of intelligence that machines will simply never be able to acquire. The machines have some usefulness, but we should not sacrifice toning our mental muscles just because we can foist the work off to the machines.

@PaulDitz Well, you do have the bedroom eyes, there. You must get a lot of — no, not gonna say it.

@KayJanes usually the brappt, like a semi, but sometimes the zeeeee, like a motorcycle

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