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. This is not Sky Net yet, but it represents the biggest impact to projected job loss at the hands of Capitalists.
And don’t believe the always floated counter, oh don’t worry, the millions of jobs will be replaced in no time, with equal paying work, fat chance. Human workers are expendable if there is $$$ to be made. 🙄

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White supremacist caught at the White House.

Assault with a dangerous weapon
Reckless operation of a motor vehicle
The threat to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm on a President, Vice President, or family

Many of you, even here, take issue when I call these people domestic terrorists

Missing the forest for the trees and getting upset over semantics

Let me make myself clear. White supremacists are domestic terrorists

If you see it otherwise then you’re part of the problem

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Trump last night attacked Fox News for showing a polls that show him losing to Biden. Trump does not want his base to see that polls show he will lose. Why? He is already laying the groundwork to lie about 2024 results and incite another attack

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DeSantis to launch presidential bid with Elon Musk, NBC reports

Elon Musk said Friday on Twitter that he would support Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis if the latter were to run for president in 2024.

So that basically assures that Trump will stay off Twitter. Silver linings!

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The games currently being played against the voters are so pathetic as to be laughable. However in spite of their cartoonish nature you idiots are tripping over your own feet to fall for every lie. Question everything and question politicians even more. They do not even have to suppress votes or gerrymander any longer as they have convinced you dullards to stay home and not vote. THE NON VOTERS BEAR THE RESPONSIBILITY.

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"Stop overspending" was never an issue when the top 1% paid a 91% marginal tax to help fund America's infrastructure, domestic mfg, & social welfare during Jim Crow

It became an issue when Jim Crow ended & Reagan slashed taxes on the wealthy

In short, its 100% rooted in racism. Even though white Americans in conservative states are USA's largest welfare recipients, "more white people in the US oppose welfare programs, in part because of increasing "racial resentment."

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Just so everyone knows, Zaslav was booed by the student body when introduced.

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The Russian soldier reported that they had machine gunners and were instructed to shoot indiscriminately, killing children, women, men, locals, and non-locals. They went into houses and shot everyone inside. In one day, they killed at least 400 people and destroyed the town of Kremenna.

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There will be some more political violence from the extremists on the right I suspect, but there's no way around it without allowing them to use that threat to further undermine our rule of law.

It sucks, but hopefully we'll survive through it fairly well and it will be relatively short-lived.

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Religions are models of totalitarianism because absolute obedience to and worship of authority is mandatory - @comictragic

Tooted by a #bot!
SN# 2292

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Florida freedom is:

The ability of the state to kidnap trans children
The ability to search children’s genitals
The ability to ban books
The ability to run over protesters
The ability to lose billions in business
The ability to have a private militia publicly funded
The ability to imprison doctors who give medical care
And declaring war on the LGBTQ community

The NAACP is right. More organizations need to warn about the dangers of traveling to or doing business with Florida.

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