There are still so many people that I had in my circles on Google+ that I wish I still followed and such today.

Google+ was way ahead of its time and it's the social platform that really made me enjoy and love social platforms. To me, it was the best there will ever be.

I'm still in contact with a few from G+, and even meet up with a couple that we've been friends with since 2011 because of G+ from time to time.

I knew so many awesome individuals back then and wish I still had contact with them today.

@AlliFlowers @cliffwade
I left Facebook for it, so naturally, I'd never met so many intelligent social media users 😂
Matter of fact, that's exactly why I went there. I couldn't make Facebook Friends any smarter so I left it.

@Rasta I actually left Twitter for G+ until it was obvious that Google was going to bin it. RIP @cliffwade

@AlliFlowers @cliffwade
I had Twitter then too, but it was for the instant news. I had two or three accounts there, one was an influencer account that filled my doorstep with expensive products for my Klout Score.
But I dropped that account, to get a Social one.
And all was going well, I had preblocked Muskhole before he owned it. I didn't need to wait, I knew he'd never be someone I'd follow. And I left after he bought it. Google failed at every social network they tried. #Google #Failures

@AlliFlowers That's about how long they lasted, you blinked and they were gone.
I'll never forgive Google, I curated posts about Nova Scotia and my hashtag #WAYCTV started there, and on Twitter. I had hundreds of detailed photos and stories of all of Nova Scotia, beyond what the Tourist Bureau reported

@Rasta @AlliFlowers @cliffwade I did too. Most of them are uneducated and wrapped up in their own agendas.

@Rasta LOL So true. That's why I went there too and miss it so much.


@cliffwade @AlliFlowers
Our former friends are still on Facebook, still talking in small sentences placed on dramatic "See me" background.

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