I can’t be the only old fogey amused by the recent report that Gen Z are so lacking in basic skills that they would pay someone to change a lightbulb, says Carol Midgley in The Times. How gratifying that the “AI generation” don’t know how to put air in a tyre, use a stepladder or identify the car battery under the bonnet. “See, we’re not obsolete yet!” I said, waving the newspaper under the nose of the nearest youngster, who was “staring at TicTac, or whatever it’s called”.


I found myself offering lots of knowledge on a zero waste site. For a while as a child I lived on a farm with no electricity, gas or sewage, and my mother lived through WW2 and rationing.
Recently I told my much younger home help that it is possible to change a broken plug, and how to do it.
But she identified a plant someone gave me, using her phone, in less than a minute.
Exchanging skills and knowledge is fun.


@tiggy @kibcol1049 At age 8 I lived on a similar farm. No electricity. No mains gas or sewage. An earth closet toilet outside. A water supply which ran down our fields in a ditch and turned brown with the occasional worm in wet weather. Food was either grown or supplemented by mobile shops. School really was a 2 mile walk uphill and in winter we were snowed in big time.

@tiggy @kibcol1049 Two images show my distain for current views on snow. Here's the first...

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