Heard the cats making a noise with a big rustly bag on the hall floor; found a mouse in it. Took the mouse outside to the front garden and gave it some corn flakes.
Charley Cat is sitting in the close wistfully.
They have a catflap to the back, but not to the front.
Bruce Cat doesn't seem to realise that it has gone and is still hunting for it in the hall.
Charley regularly finds mice outside and brings them in (up 6 flights of stairs), but normally unharmed other than being a bit shaken.
@drgeraint One of our cats brought us a mole one day. We told him thank you and released him down the street. The mole, not the cat.
@drgeraint The squirrels seem to stay out of reach. But we've had the mole, a large rat, and daily lizards.
@drgeraint Worms?! Oh no!
@AlliFlowers Did once have a bat in the flat but that wasn't brought by the cats, it came in an open window, and they had absolutely no idea what to make of it! They were utterly bemused. Bats are fast.
@drgeraint I love bats. We put up a bat house where we used to live, but never got any occupants.
@AlliFlowers Ah, that's a shame. Would be lovely to have bats nesting nearby.
@drgeraint I know!
@drgeraint @AlliFlowers So, the Common Lizards are uncommon?
@AlliFlowers Not much chance of our cats catching a lizard in Glasgow. Apparently there are Common Lizards in Scotland, but I've never seen one.
We have rats in the park across the road, but fortunately none of those have yet been caught.
My mum got some rescue cats that had been stray for a while. For years they kept bringing in worms - clearly what they were living on before they were taken in.