A few neat recipes in here but also a good introductory narrative. But deep fried gefilte fish croquets?! Sign me the F up, חברים

"[I]n every place, oil and dairy products are recognized as symbolic, traditional #Chanukah #foods related to #Jewish #history and redemption. Oil emphasizes the miracle of the cruse found in the Holy Temple, which burned for eight days when there was only enough for a single day.

Dairy food products commemorate the heroism of Judith. She fed the enemy general Holofernes large quantities of salty cheese, washed down with wine, perhaps the specialties of the area. He fell into a drunken stupor, Judith killed him, the enemy army fled, and the #Jews were saved."


@dukepaaron Fried gefilte fish croquettes.... While I would probably enjoy them (I always have gefilte fish in the house), I think it would be a bridge too far for my Southern shagetz husband, even though he wants everything fried and served with a side of lard.

@AlliFlowers I might not make this happen for chanukah, but I'm gonna make this happen. 😋

I have fried everything edible on earth but never thought about this?

Might be my greatest failure in life to date.


@dukepaaron Sounds like you would fit in well down here where they will fry anything including butter.

@AlliFlowers I had a deep fried snickers bar once. It tasted like diabetes.

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