@_L1vY_ Right now I question whether our military would shoot if der furor told them too. I'm worried. @santiagomayer
@vfrmedia @AlliFlowers @_L1vY_ @santiagomayer
I've had similar thoughts about the US military. Brass seems appalled by Trump and while some lower ranks might be MAGA, most people that know what they are doing have been indoctrinated properly to defend the constitution. He could replace a lot of them but only at the cost of weaking his own future security. It tends to work very badly. It's one of the few spots of hope I have found.
@Beachhart I think it would shatter it. I say this was someone coming from a long military history. @vfrmedia @_L1vY_ @santiagomayer
@AlliFlowers @_L1vY_ @santiagomayer We already know the cops do, and the line between cops and military is pretty dang porous.
@callisto And both have too many members who are outright fascists. @_L1vY_ @santiagomayer
@AlliFlowers @_L1vY_ @santiagomayer There's a significant population of MAGA/3%/whatever in the Army. But, would enough recoil from treason? Unfortunately, only one way to find out.
@AlliFlowers @_L1vY_ @santiagomayer
that seems to be the big difference. There really didn't seem to be any appetite amongst the soldiers in South Korea for a military coup or to escalate the situation (I suspect a lot of them are also relatively young conscripts).