They know a little calc before they get into physics. And they often tell me about how they used it in my calc class.
But, what I wish we could do is stop treating Statistics like it's... the math class for "weak" students who couldn't do calculus.
Part of the problem is there is still a tendency to classify kids as "math people" and "not math people" although I'm breaking my peers of this notion every chance I get. Part of it is this snobbishness pure math people have about stats.
@guyjantic Reminds me of when I met my quantitative analysis prof. He asked how I was feeling and I said I was terrified cause I’m not a math person. He laughed and replied “not to worry. Stats isn’t math.” @futurebird @whknott
@AlliFlowers @guyjantic @futurebird @whknott (mind you, she aced the AP test, so I was skeptical of her protests of not being a math person)
@mattmcirvin Bless her! If I’d had to have taken stats in high school I would have dropped out. @guyjantic @futurebird @whknott
@AlliFlowers @futurebird @guyjantic @whknott I'd like him to try saying that to me after I spent two hours attempting to integrate the Gaussian normal distribution curve for my Stochastic Processes class.
Turns out it isn't integrable, which I would have known if had read the text.
@dan613 Et voilà! Juste comme ça, tu parles une langue je ne comprends pas. @futurebird @guyjantic @whknott
@AlliFlowers @futurebird @guyjantic @whknott Je parle beaucoup de langues 😀
@dan613 Moi aussi, mais pas la science. 😂@futurebird @guyjantic @whknott
@AlliFlowers @guyjantic @futurebird @whknott My daughter took AP Stats last year--it seemed like it was two classes: a relatively abstract and math-y course in probability theory, and a course in scientific method and experimental design with a lot of examples from the social sciences. Which half of the class you found easy and which you found difficult depended on whether you were inclined to enjoy mathematics or not.
She doesn't see herself as a "math person" and she immediately took to the bits that the "math people" (including the teacher, by his own admission) found it hard to wrap their heads around, but just hated and resisted the probability-theory stuff. But I think she'd have a mind for sociology, psychology or political science if she wanted to go into it, which she very much doesn't.