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141) Sometimes one has to step back, take a moment, and laugh.

The madhouse that is American #politics reached a whole new pitch with Senator #KatieBritt’s #SOTU response

Unsurprisingly the junior Senator from #Alabama provided rich fodder for #SNL delivered pitch perfect #ScarlettJohanson

#Alabama #GOP #USPolitics

142) Sometimes a single panel #cartoon does more to capture an important truism than a 1,000 words.

Will the #SupremeCourt act as a guardian of American #democracy or will they provide #Trump with an #autocracy imprimatur?

#politics #USPolitics #Election2024

143) #Election2024 will be driven by turning out the base for both #Biden and #Trump respectively

While the #Trump fan base continues to be motivated, the support for #NikkiHaley during the #GOP primaries reveals fault lines which are being exploited by conservative #NeverTrump types

Cracking #Republican turnout is one of many factors which will yield a #JoeBiden win on Election Day

#politics #USPolitics

144) We all have #liberal friends who have expressed misgivings about the upcoming election #Biden is too old etc.

#Democracy will only be preserved in #Election2024 if the #Democratic base turns out in big numbers and we manage to persuade enough of the middle 1/3 of the country to see things our way

So when you see a liberal friend vacillating about #voting, have them watch this viedo from @DavidPepper


#Politics #USPolitics

145) I’ve long ceased attempts to divine exactly what #Trump means in his rambling incoherent speeches.

Frankly the #GOP nominee may not really understand what he is saying himself beyond his craven need for the adulation he receives when he uses words like “bloodbath” and the vilification of #immigrants.

Anger and revulsion seem core to Trump’s essence and something he seeks to stoke in his #Trumpist fan base

#USPolitics #Politics #Election2024

147) Good piece this morning on the recent #bloodbath #Trump rally. Much has been made of the use of that word which was used in reference to the auto industry. A case could be made that many #NewsMedia orgs ran with stories without context

Far more important was the bizarre lionization of #Jan6 insurrectionists. Give this story a listen

#USPolitics #Politics #Election2024

148) #ReproductiveRights will be a keystone issue in #Election2024, but it is also an issue in #Alabama tomorrow where a comptitive state house election will take place.

Keep an eye on this election as it will be an important indication on how energized voters are on this issue, particularly #WomenRights voters

#Politics #USPolitics #Abortion #Women

149) #ReproductiveRights has not gone away as a key issue in #Election2024

This special statehouse election in #Alabama today has reminded just how potent that issue is and that the #GOP cannot slide away from the consequences of their regressive judicial appointments and anti-abortion legislation.

#WomenRights #Politics #USPolitics #Abortion #Women

150) #KariLake admits she’s a liar and defamed #GOP election official, Stephen Richer with false claims of election rigging following her defeat in the #Arizona 2022 governor’s race.

Lake is a typical GOP American #fascist with no regard for the truth and will pay the electoral price when she loses in her quest for the open #AZ senate seat

#Politics #USPolitics #Election2024 #AmericanFascism

151) Almost all the American veterans who fought in WWII are gone. They are no longer here to tell us about the price paid in defeating #facism in Europe

Those very few left must shudder when they hear the #fascist language used by #Trump and the sycophantic support chorus that is the #GOP

#Election2024 will be about preserving the #democracy that they saved 80 years ago.

#Politics #USPolitics #Election2024 #AmericanFascism

152) The latest #Trump grift in the form of #TruthSocial was floated on the #StockMarket last week. The fan base cluelessly piled into the stock. Bidding up the value of the company to about $8 billion. Today gravity made itself known as the value slid south.

Here’s the thing, #DJT has 1 million monthly users, when #ElonMusk bought #Twitter with more than 200 million users he paid $44 billion. #Musk overpaid by 50%

Math tells me train wreck is a certainty. LOL

154) Now here’s a huge surprise #Trump’s new grift in the stock market only made it to #IPO with #Russian money.

I’m guessing this investment channeled through the island of #Domnica is on the up and up 🙄

#Putin wouldn’t have anything to do with this. All roads on #DonaldTrump’s world lead to Moscow

#Election2024 #USPolitics #Politics #DJT

155) Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes write:

“Taxes are what we pay for civilized society”

Thanks @rbreich for reminding us that a properly funded #IRS insures that the #garchs pay their fair share

The #GOP bitterly opposes the fair payment of taxes. If you want to live in a fairer country #VoteBlue

#Election2024 #USPolitics #Politics

156) Excellent piece from #NYTimes on the financing of #TrumpMedia aka #DJT

Unsurprisingly #Trump put very little of his own money in the venture. He relied on other #garchs who wanted to curry favor with him to get the company afloat.

Now #DonaldTrump will rely on his base to prop up the stock until he can cash out

#USPolitics #Politics #Election2024

158) As #Trump’s NYC #HushMoney trial draws nearer, there is a whiff of desperation revealed by the failure of three frantic appeals to delay the proceeding set for Mon Apr 15.

There will, no doubt, be more legal maneuvers and attempted delaying tactics, but escaping the sordid details of the case no longer appears to be an option for #DonaldTrump.

#USPolitics #Politics #Election2024

159) The #StockMarket appears to do a far better job of evaluating #DonaldTrump’s abilities than many American voters

#Trump is a mediocre businessman at best and this price chart depicts what happens when a less than mediocre company is offered on the public stock exchange.

A truly terrible #investment

#USPolitics #Politics #Election2024

160) After months of #HardRight GOP obstruction, funding for #Ukraine is on the way.

This is a notable defeat for #Putin fan #DonaldTrump and a victory for those who believe defending democracy against Russian aggression is critical. Chalk one up for the #Biden administration.

101 #GOP members joined Democrats to pass the bill, what price they will pay for their #Trump defiance remains to be seen

#USPolitics #Politics #Election2024

162) The Southern #border will be a significant issue in #Election2024.

Up till #DonaldTrump's torpedoing of the bipartisan negotiated border bill led by Sen #JamesLankford (R), the issue of undocumented migration had been a potent campaign issue for the #GOP

Now the Issue is one Pres #Biden and the #Democrats can campaign on as outlined in this video featuring a Sec. #PeteButtigied apearance on #CNBC ⬇️

#Politics #USPolitics

163) I was disturbed by the willingness of #SCOTUS's conservative wing to trip over themselves worrying about the conduct of future Presidents rather than the criminal behavior of #Trump while in office.

Kate Riga of #TalkingPointsMemo puts it best

Full article =>

#USPolitics #Politics #Immunity

164) I’m more than a little skeptical of polling. The ability to find a representative sample in the age of caller ID is pretty questionable in my view

That said when a poll shows 31% of Anericans are concerned by the rise of #Fascism, I pay attention. That notion would have been absurd 10 years ago, but this is where we are and the fact that a significant tranche of Americans have realized the threat is good news for #democracy

#USPolitics #Politics

165) Now there's a surprise!

I guess #Trump feels most confortable with an #AttorneyGeneral who has been impeached just like him

Yup #KenPaxton, a guy who jiust might make #MichaelCohen blush

#USPolitics #Politics #Election2024

166) I continue to be an admirer of #PeteButtigieg and his razor sharp analysis of the political times we live in

Here he reminds us that the #GOP has no answers for many of the pressing issues Americans face. Rather than coming up with new proposals about how to move the country forward, that would require thinking, the #RepublicanParty has put all its eggs in the #CultureWars basket, doubling down on hate for minorities, immigrants and the #LGBTQ community

167) How or why a “Unified Reich” video was posted on #DonaldTrump’s Truth Social, may remain unclear. An anonymous staffer has been conveniently blamed. Perplexing how that keeps happening

Was #Trump playing footsie with Neo Nazis or is this simply an example of a sloppy campaign consistent with the chaos experienced during the wannabe strongman’s occupation of the #WhiteHouse?

A #Fascist will do what #Fascists do

#USPolitics #Politics #Election2024

168) Apparently #Libertarian folks aren't big fans of #Trump. His attempt to secure the support and nomination of #Libertarians at their national convention was met with a barrage of boos.

The Trump campaign, showing its usual organizational chops, failed to submit paperwork for the nomination ballot. A write-in vote failed abysmally in the first round of balloting

#DonaldTrump #USPolitics #Politics #Election2024

169) The Blueprint poll reported on by Semaphore below focuses on young people and gathers data via an online poll and should be treated cautiously.

I’m not surprised by the poll sentiment. Since the Reagan era, the #GOP has sewed distrust in government and been aided and abetted by a #RightWing #NewsMedia ecoystem.

All this to insure #garchs lower their tax bill, if #democracy is sacrificed, so be it

#USPolitics #Politics #Election2024

170) #Trump’s support by the wealthy is in many respect far more disappointing than those #MAGA redcaps of modest means

Usually, the rich have had the benefit of a good education and should understand that democracy is at stake in #Election2024. I can only conclude that many wealthy types care more about promised tax reductions and deregulation than the obvious threat of #fascism

#garchs #USPolitics #Politics

171) David French is a political columnist with whom I disagree on many issues

That said, this column is a disturbing account of how the political right has shifted so dramatically. The pulpit and pews of many “churches” are now dominated by voices of hatred, bigotry and #ChristianNationalism

#Trump #MAGA #Election2024 #fascism #USPolitics #Politics

173) Trumpists wanted voters to believe that a criminal conviction would make #Trump more popular. That appears to have been a failure.

While #GOP voters polled some months back asserted a conviction would give them pause in voting for a convicted felon, the pause has passed, and the #DonaldTrump cult is lining up for their #DearLeader.

The same however cannot be said for independents - see article below 👇

#USPolitics #Politics #Election2024

174) Does the rule of law apply to all Americans or is there a carve out for Presidents?

The #Biden campaign clearly has decided to make the #Trump conviction a key issue in #Election2024. It will not be the only issue, but for those that appreciate that American democracy is under threat, it will be by far, the most important issue

This ad does a good job in reminding people of what’s at stake

#USPolitics #Politics

175) In an unsurprising development, some #billionaire types are lining up to support #Trump. These types care little for democracy and would likely opt for #authoritarianism should it yield a 1% tax cut

While #TimothyMellon is likely the largest donor/briber of #Election2024, I’m sure other types are lining up with their checkbooks to subvert America

#USPolitics #Politics

176) There are painful lessons from history when certain business types choose their narrow interests before democracy

This article 👇 written back in 2016 before #Trump was elected, warns of the dire consequences of the #authoritarian tilt of some businessesmen.

Might the world have avoided Hitler and his Nazis if it wasn’t for Krups?

#Election2024 #USPolitics #Politics

177) Tomorrow night #JoeBiden faces off against #DonaldTrump in the first presidential debate of #Election2024

Given that American #democracy is on the line, it’s the most consequential debate of my lifetimes me

This #NYTimes lays out what each candidate must do to be considered successful.

#Trump #Biden #USPolitics #Politics

178) That was most depressing debate performance I’ve seen. I wish that it was otherwise. #JoeBiden is a good and decent man, but if he doest’t withdraw, #DonaldTrump will be the next President of the United States.

#Trump lied at an unprecedented clip. He’s a nut job but he will win this election unless #Biden withdraws

#Election2024 #democracy #USPolitics #Politics

@mnutty Biden is not going to withdraw and Trump is not going to win.

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