Nature: Huge amounts of bird-flu virus found in raw milk of infected cows

New findings point to the milking process as a possible route of avian-influenza spread between cows — and from cow to human.

#h5n1 #hpai #birdflu #cows #milk

Poem of the day... (human poem, mine!)

Make me a a bird flu milkshake please
Something I can drink with ease
Full of viral particles, raw and alive
So my immune system can go into overdrive

Hopefully it won't make me too sick
Or make my eyes bloodshot and snot too thick
Or cause a fever, or gastric distress
Or make me vomit all over my dress

Raw milk is healthier for you they say
Or so the cuckoo raw milk nuts yell today
Until they're all killed off and dead of the flu
or they survive, and they just pass it on to you

#poem #birdflu #hpai #h5n1 #h5n2

**ps. have never worn a dress, but it rhymes

@AlliFlowers I mean, nothing against anyone who wants to wear a dress one way or another, LOL. Just in case anyone thinks I am wearing dresses normally, not my style. ;-)

@AlliFlowers LOL my wife and daughter don't think so... only church, graduation, or formal occasions for them.

@ai6yr Get them each a caftan. Get yourself one, too. Total freedom.

@ai6yr @AlliFlowers

What about a sulu? Martial uniform, formal wear, and casual versions too.

Fancy martial sulus with fringe hem:

Or maybe a kilt?

@tab2space @AlliFlowers Ah, if I had a big long beard and red hair I could get away with a kilt without too much hassles here (except probably a lot of comments about "where's your bagpipe?")

@ai6yr @AlliFlowers

Bagpipes are also good emergency flotation devices. Should probably keep one around anyway, in case of floods, or a need to repel visitors. We once hazed bears out of a B&B with bagpipes; it works!

On the other hand, with a sulu, the M16s with bayonets fixed are entirely optional. Even with them, it can be less threatening than carrying a bagpipe. Bears might not be worried at all.

@AlliFlowers @ai6yr

I liked them til I was 7. After that they were just constricting and annoying.

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